Archive for December 27th, 2010

Human Ivory = Art Made from Fingernail Clippings

Etsy seller Rachel Rae Case makes art from human belly button lint and fingernail clippings. Pictured above is one example made from the latter: This piece is a primitive human-like figure who seems to be dancing...

New Knowledge about Sea Urchin Teeth Could Lead to Knives that Never Need Sharpening

Researchers led by physicist Pupa Gilbert of the University of Wisconsin at Madison examined how sea urchins are able to maintain razor-sharp teeth throughout their lives without any apparent means of sharpening them. T...

Guard Tower from the Napoleonic Wars Refurbished into Modern Home

To protect the country from an invasion by Napoleon Bonaparte, Britain built 103 towers along its southern shore to spot and slow down a French invasion force. The Martello towers, as they were called, had walls 30...

Unusual Off-Road Vehicles

Unusual Locomotion is a website about odd off-road vehicles. Among those featured is the screw-driven Riverine Utility Craft built by Chrysler in 1969. It could reach speeds of 46 kph over marshy ground....

Skate Park on a Skateboard in a Skate Park

deviantART user Nansei made this sculpture, entitled "Let's Go Surfing Instead", of a skate park on a skateboard, and then placed it in a skate park for photographing. The scene includes miniature graffiti. Link...

Tron - Buzz Enters the Grid

This movie mashup fan art just seems right: Buzz Lightyear ready to enter the Grid in the world of Tron, by DeviantART member iamclu. Link -via Breakfast Linksmovies, disney, tron, fan art, buzz lightyear...

Ancient Human Remains Found in Israel

Israeli archaeologists have found teeth of modern humans in a cave in central Israel that date back 400,000 years. That makes them twice as old as modern humans found in Africa, which is where they've been thought to hav...

Spin Around

(YouTube link) A swinging sword looks very different from the sword's point of view! These guys duct taped a camera to the end of the sword before they put it through its paces. The effect may cause dizziness. -via...

Owners Rent Flocks For Bored Collies

Border collies are compulsive herders and have an intense instinct to organize sheep. They sometimes search for livestock behind the television when sheep appear on screen, says Geri Byrne, owner of the Border Colli...

Gingerbread Woodie

This life size 1948 Ford Woodie replica was made by pastry Chef Brian Sundeen and his team of The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel. It is 8 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 5 1/2 feet tall and is made from 150 pounds of gingerbread...

December 2010 Blizzard Timelapse

(vimeo link) Michael Black set up a camera to photograph his back yard in New Jersey every five minutes for twenty hours during yesterday's blizzard. He assembled those photos into this 38-second time lapse video. N...

Top Quizzes of 2010

This week mental_floss is counting down their top quizzes of 2010. If you enjoy the Lunchtime Quiz every day, you'll love this! Already you can relive the #24 quiz called Are They Canadian? and #23 The Goonies. C...

Name That Weird Invention!

It's time for the Name That Weird Invention! contest. Steven M. Johnson comes up with all sorts of crazy ideas in his weekly Museum of Possibilities posts. Can you come up with a name for this one? The commenter su...

Snow in the Subway

New York City got such a snowfall that it even accumulated underground -in the subway stations! Link -via Fark (Image credits: @dwag29 and @caro)storm, snow, subway, New York City...

Cat Disturbed on Trampoline

(YouTube link) Lesson learned: a child's trampoline is not the most peaceful place to take a catnap. -via BuzzfeedCat, child, trampoline...

Grandfather Drove Around Lost for Days

Seventy-two-year-old Mohammed Bellazrak dropped his wife off at the airport on December 23rd with no problem, but became disoriented in the snow as he was driving home to Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England from Gatwick airpo...

The Worst Movie of All Time?

The following is an article from Uncle John's Heavy Duty Bathroom Reader. If you're a fan of cheesy films like Manos: The Hand of Fate, Plan 9 From Outer Space, and Troll 2, you'll love this one....

The 10 Best Fictional Hangovers

The "best" hangovers are, of course, fictional, since there are really no good hangovers. But witnessing the misery in this list may make you more cautious about overdoing the New Year partying and give you a la...

Woman in Coffin Found to be Alive

Doctors in Ipatinga, Brazil declared 88-year-old Maria das Dores dead when they found no vital signs. She was transferred from the hospital to a funeral home, where an official looked into her coffin and found her moving...

Women with Monkeys

George Seurat’s famous painting “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of LaGrande Jatte" shows a monkey at the feet of a woman. It could be that the model actually had a monkey at the beach, or it may symbolize that th...


How few pixels can you use to make a portrait and still recognize the person? Not many, if you're illustrator Andy Rash. These extremely low resolution figures are called iotacons. Rash has made iotacons of the US Se...

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