Build Your Own Custom Ramen Box

This is not your grandpa's Cup Noodles. In case you haven't noticed (or if it's been a while since you went to college like me), there are hundreds of instant noodle varieties out there.

So how does one, ah, expand one's palate for instant ramen? Howard of Ramenbox explains:

In a nutshell, we are the world's first customizeable box of instant noodles. [...] The way the site works is that you browse the site and then are able to mix-and-match any combination of noodles, essentially "building" a box of ramen...your own personal Ramenbox! - Thanks Howard!

Previously on Neatorama: Ramen Pizza | Ramen Bath | Ramen Museum

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I never would have made it through college if it wasn't for Ramen. I clearly remember scrounging up my change to run to the discount grocery store to buy some Ramen for dinner. All that wonderful MSG too, so tasty.
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Whats funny is that we just received an email the other day from a 52 year old woman claiming that she lost 37 lbs by following a strict diet eating only our noodles for 2 months. We're in the process of verifying the information but if it worked for her, it might work for you! =)
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Hot Spicy Noodle Soup (Nong Shim) is my fav and has been for many many years. :)
Unfortunately I'm on a diet now... so hopefully someone out there makes a shirataki noodle ramen someday.
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