A Bank Robber Nicknamed "Shrek"

"Ears" something unfortunate for bank robber David Holyoak of Manchester, England: his distinctive feature made it really easy for the police to identify and locate him!

As Holyoak, of Whitefield, Manchester, began a three-and-a-half year jail sentence for robbery yesterday, one officer said: 'This man only needs to look at himself in the mirror to realise crime is not for him.

'With his big ears and rotund features he stands out a mile, and the officers have no trouble spotting him. He must be a total liability when he is part of a gang.

'He has already been dubbed Shrek and must be one of the ugliest robbers in the country.'


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You wanna see his brothers ears! its like looking at a Big Mac, seriously though hes had the ears jibe all his life it really doesnt bother him and it also gives the ladies something to peddle when he is guessing there weight ;)

ps, He looks nothing like Shrek and has never been called that by anyone he knows, Roland Rat is a diff matter though!
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Gosh, people are generally unimaginative. What? So he's got big ears, that makes him Shrek? No. Now Maurice Tillet...HE looks like Shrek. In fact, I hear Shrek was based on him. http://is.gd/4ZHqp
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