Archive for July 17th, 2009

R.I.P. Walter Cronkite

(YouTube link) Veteran journalist and news anchorman Walter Cronkite died today. Often called "the most trusted man in America", Cronkite set a high standard for television journalism in the 20th century. He was 92...

New Pictures of Apollo Landing Sites

Forty years later, you can still see the lunar modules, and even footprints, left on the moon by the Apollo missions. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO took new pictures between July 11th and 15th. "Not...

The iBum Chair Automatically Photocopies Your Butt

Problem: photocopiers are expensive, uncomfortable, and generally can't support the weight of an adult human. Solution: the iBum by Tomomi Sayuda: This project came from "impact" brief. My initial concern w...

Cheetos-Flavored Lip Balm

I haven't been able to track this product down to an online vendor, including the official Cheetos website, but this delicious photo is going all over the intertubes.  If I can find it, and some Mountain Dew-scented...

Movie Trivia: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Just in case you haven't had enough of Harry Mania this week, I thought we'd travel back to when the whole movie craze started. Enjoy, Muggles!Other actors who auditioned for the role of Harry: William M...

Disney Movie Trailer Mashups

(YouTube Link) Urlesque has a post full of mashups of Disney animated movie trailers, such as the above mix of Sin City with Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, as well as Kill Bill with Beauty...

Mariachi Band Cover Songs

(YouTube Link) The pop culture blog Urlesque has a post full of mariachi band cover songs, such as the above "Sweet Home Alabama". Others include "Beat It" by Michael Jackson, "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen,...

Bad Manors Squirrel Diner

Nine squirrels regularly visit this home in Santa Monica, Cailfornia. The resident sets out toys and other objects for the squirrels to interact with, then trains a webcam on them for your entertainment. This site has...

Teenager Sails Around the World

17-year-old Zac Sunderland arrived home in California Thursday after a year of sailing around the world solo in his 36-foot sailboat named the Intrepid. He is now the youngest person to ever pull off such a stunt. Sunder...

Kitten Graffiti

Mawgan spent a long time scribbling over a cute kitten calendar a relative had received as a gift. Now he/she has scanned the best of the resulting works for all of us to enjoy. Link -via b3ta kitten, doodles...

Harry Potter Character or Skin Disease?

Can you tell your Harry Potter characters from hideous skin diseases? That's the challenge today in the Lunchtime Quiz from mental_floss. Despite a slight knowledge of Latin, I only scored 58%, which is in the range of...

17 Wacky Kitchen Gadgets

GatgetHER has pictures of and links to seventeen bizarre and/or clever kitchen gadgets, such as this nose-shaped egg separator. The others gadgets include a device that turns a hard-boiled egg into a cube, one that...

South African ATMs Are Weaponized with Pepper Spray

South Africa is apparently one really dangerous place. Case in point: ATMs there are weaponized - yep, weaponized - with pepper spray. What could go wrong? Apparently, this:The technology uses cameras to detect peopl...

DNA is DNA is DNA, Right?

At one point in time in my graduate studies, I stopped being surprised at weird biological discoveries because, as one of my college professors said, when it comes to science, "there's an exception to every rule, in...

Great Barrier Reef: Gone in 20 Years

First it was bluefin tuna, then Playboy bunnies, then the world's wheat crop. Now the Great Barrier Reef is going to be gone in 20 years, according to marine scientist Charlie Veron:Charlie Veron, former chief scient...

Copernicium (Element 112) Added to the Periodic Table

Element 112 has been officially added to the Periodic Table as "copernicium," in honor of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus deduced that the planets revolved around the Sun, and finally refuted the...

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