Cheetos-Flavored Lip Balm

I haven't been able to track this product down to an online vendor, including the official Cheetos website, but this delicious photo is going all over the intertubes.  If I can find it, and some Mountain Dew-scented cologne, I'll be ready to hit GenCon in style.


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Anyone with a 5 year old can make this at home.

Let the kid eat 4-6 handfuls of cheetos, then let them apply lip balm all by themselves (like a big girl), then use the lip balm yourself.

Voila, cheetos infused lip balm.
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I have seen that at the Family Dollar store.
It is on the rack with, Mountain Dew, 7up, Cinnabon and Twinkie flavored lipbalms.

The Twinkie lipbalm is kind of nice.
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