Archive for June 19th, 2008

Ice Found on Mars

The Phoenix Mars Lander has announced the discovery of real ice on Mars! Link -via Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories NASA has just a little bit more information. Some bright material that was photographed four days ago...

American Boy

This is the video for the UK's Estelle singing American Boy (with Kanye West). Estelle is beautiful and the song is nothing short of awesome, is it not? What do you think? YouTube....

Best Neatorama Comment Reward: Haiku T-shirt

In an homage to kid_icarus' excellent haiku in the comment of our recent post about a certain Japanese DVD niche market, I'm making this shirt for him (her?). Anyhoo, kid_icarus: all you have to do to claim this shirt is...

Reverse Graffiti Artist Moose Does the Broadway Tunnel in San Francisco

When Paul Curtis (aka Moose, previously on Neatorama here) tells people that he cleans for art, many are baffled - how can cleaning be considered art? Here's Paul explaining his latest project, the reverse graffiti of Sa...

Sings with Wolves

The Chongqing Wild Zoo in China is creating a musical group that is unlike any other: they're trying to teach wolves to sing... Luo Yong, a keeper at Chongqing Wild Zoo, said he discovered the wolves' singing ability...

Russian Spa's Giant Tribute to Enema

A health spa in Russsia has just unveiled its tribute to a medical procedure it administers there routinely: the enema!"We administer enemas nearly every day," said Alexander Kharchenko, the head of the san...

Science Answers Age Old "Why Are Women Attracted to Bad Boys?" Question

Good guys and scientists have pondered the question of "why are women attracted to bad boys" for ages. Now, Peter Jonason of New Mexico State University has figured out why bad boys seem to get their women: sta...

School Officials Reported Mom to Child Services Because A Psychic Told Them To!

Almost three weeks ago, Colleen Leduc got a call from her 11-year-old autistic daughter's school. The school reported her to Children's Aid Society that the girl might have been sexually abused ... based on the words of...

Doctors Inject Cloned Immune Cells, Cure Man of Cancer

Science has made a significant stride in curing melanoma, a form of skin cancer, by using cloning cancer-fighting immune cells and injecting them back into the patient:Scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Researc...

Ancient Cities of Color

Photo: dietollevonlioe [Flickr]Life in the Fast Lane blog has a very neat post about 4 ancient cities of color: The Blue City of Jodhpur, the PInk City of Jaipur, the Amber City, and the Red City of Marrakech.Jodhpur, sh...

Logos in the Real World

The post entitled New Meaningful Life Of Famous Logos shows various logos in their natural habitats. Watch for the bonus goofy discussion after the gymnastics picture. Link -via Dump Trumpet...

Pi Crop Circle

A “mind-boggling” crop circle has been spotted in a barley field in Wiltshire, England. The design is a code that represents the first ten digits of pi. Michael Reed, an astrophysicist, said: "The tenth digit h...

Car Wash

(Live Leak link) Must’ve been really dirty, to need a hosing inside. -via Bits and Pieces...

The Cathedral of Antlers

Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest is the home of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum. It’s also the home of hundreds of antlers. Hundreds of antlers, horns, hooves, and fur. Stuffed birds and mounted bears. Cutlery...

The Kingdom of Women

The Mosuo culture of the Hunan and Sichuan provinces in southwestern China is a matriarchal society, with women calling the shots. In this video report from National Geographic, one woman explains why she doesn’t want...

What is it? Game 67: Rocket Thingy

This week's collaboration with What is it? blog brings us this strange rocket-shaped device. Do you know what it is for? For more clues and larger picture, check out the What is it? blog.No prize this week - you're playi...

Jeannine's Story

In our recent post about the extreme (and painful) leg lengthening surgical procedure to become taller, a Neatorama reader named Jeannine commented about her own personal experience with the procedure (hers wasn't option...

Dog Used Trampoline to Escape from Backyard

Harvey, a 3-year-old bull terrier, couldn't get over the fence on his own, so the clever dog used the family's trampoline and bounced his way to freedom!"The fence isn't all that high, but he couldn't have climb...

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