The Cathedral of Antlers

Vajdahunyad Castle in Budapest is the home of the Hungarian Agricultural Museum. It’s also the home of hundreds of antlers.
Hundreds of antlers, horns, hooves, and fur. Stuffed birds and mounted bears. Cutlery with horn handles carved into foxes. Antler broaches, antler chandeliers, and antler chairs. It is known as “The Hall of Hunting.” With beautiful vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows, along with the fact that the Agricultaral Museum is often empty, this top floor feels like the church of a long lost deer deity. Echoed footsteps and hushed whispers lend a quiet respect to these relics of the hunt.

One example of taxidermy art that stands out from the rest is two deer heads mounted together with their antlers entangled. Curious Expeditions has the story behind the museum and the antlers. Link

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