The Something Store

Send ten dollars to the Something Store and they will send you ...something. You don’t know what it will be, but hey, it’s only ten dollars!
It maybe something you need, something you want or something you desire.
Yours may be a cool gadget, rare book, table game, handmade necklace, reverse clock, box of gourmet chocolates, set of shiny shower curtains, popular video game, big-box retailer gift card, the latest version of a software, a set of kitchen knives, a pair of designer jeans, garden tool, kitchen appliance, unique home decor item, electronic equipment, magazine subscription, office supply item, or ...
Your something will most likely be brand new, though it may also be refurbished or antique.

Shipping is free. There is plenty of customer feedback, but you really can’t complain since they make no promises. Link

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I got my 3 somethings yesterday--a week and a half after ordering...i got a cool pair of earrings...a thermometer/date calendar/weather station thingy...and a broken lighter.......I am just upset with the lighter. I didn't get any communication from the store...just paypal...kind of worrying, spoiled surprise a little. I might do this again...but not often...only the earrings were worth ten dollars...
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This is a real rip-off, should have know. I ordered 2 things thinking I could use it for a gift exchange at my office I got a pair of plastic earrings and a cheap money clip straight from China, about $1.50 worth of junk I'd guess.

If you're hoping for something neat or quirky I don't think this is the place.
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I just ordered one for my girlfriend, and she got luggage tags. Neither one of us even Flies, let alone the fact that luggage tags are about a Zero on a scale of 1-10 in terms of fun factor. I won't be ordering again. Above posters are right- they show the best of the best items that they have sent to people, and probably just the best of the best comments are shown are their website. I rate them a Thumbs Down, use your 10 bucks to score a Cool Something on your favorite big auction website ;)
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This is a rip-off - don't waste your money! I ordered 3 items, figuring at least one would be nice. It's all a bunch of crap! I should have known better!
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