Steampunk Pac Man Arcade and Other Toys by Doktor A

Take a look at Doktor A's custom toy solo show at Spit & Polish. The highlights of the show are these three:

The Secret History of Video Games : Pac Gentleman (Erik Scarecrow's Soopa Coin Op Bros)
When this game was first released in 1880 it was so hugely popular in taverns and inns that the bank of England was forced to mint more threepenny bits to keep up with demand. The game was created by messrs Nam & Nam and Co. as a novelty pastime for the masses. Outdoing the previous top public house game of Shove Ha'penny.

Kraken Proof Aethernaut (Toki Doki Sabo Chan)
Those intrepid adventurers in the outer realms of her majesties solar system must become inventive to protect themselves from the crushing grasp of both the open Aether and the ravenous sky Krakens.
(Vinyl, Lead, Copper, Tin, Found Objects)

Colonel Juggernaut's Cloud Challenger (Madl and Balloon)
Forced to abandon his Perambulation Engine due to intolerable slowness and annoying mechanical problems. Colonel Juggernaut is forced to take to the air in attempt to make up lost ground to Mr. Fogg.

Links: Photos at Kidrobot | Spookypop: The art of Doktor A - via Urban Retro Lifestyle, thanks Tahir!

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