John Safran takes on the Mormons

From the very clever and very funny John Safran vs. God from Australia, now playing on Sundance Channel - as well as on YouTube and BitTorrent. (If you like Safran, check out his Music Jamboree show, also available wherever downloads are found.) [This post serves to push the 4-eared bunny off the top of the page and the "Guy with a massive tumor on his face" onto page 2. Thank you.]

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I aggree with # 18 (above) Slingshotjohnny...
I have also found that intimidation also scares these cows away. Flip on some Black metal...if they think that they're contacting the demon himself, they'll either flea like scared children or keep knocking...if they keep knocking throw on some sunglasses and take off all your clothes...if you've got some fake blood laying around, it adds fun...
If I want to follow an organized religion, I know where to find don't come knocking wanting me to buy all of these unproven theories...
On top of this door personal belief is that everyone is allowed only one child if they decide to breed...after this, both sexes are to undergo spay and neutering to prevent population growth. Population growth encourages the blight of organized religion such as also encourages pollution of our not-so-great-anymore planet we are forced to live on...not only that; the pollution I speak of are all the dirty diapers from all of these offspring the religious people are sum it up... I feel that it is the religions like this that are forcing our environment to poison itself...stop having kids you mormons!!! You already outnumber rats and roaches...and we have not found a suitable way with getting away with legal genocide yet. Spay and neuter yourself and your kids in the meantime...wanking is the best form of birth control!!! If god doesn't like it...tough! get it cartherized ...and yes, I also would support using human offspring as a source of meat, Just like veal, except you might want to put these offspring on a diet of wheats and grains first!!!...but last time I checked it was considered inhumane...I suppose all those religious politicians don't consider people in vegetative conditions being kept alive inhumane either...what hypocrits religion raises!!! Don't wake me up on saturdays before noon, and get out of my TV!!! Next time you wake me up, I'll push you down my stairs...and then I'll let god save yer butt!
Atheism is a guilt free set of rules to live by...more people should try it!!!
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I wish people with this much time on their hands would consider lambasting Socialism with as much energy. That's as much a religion as Mormonism, and far more widespread, not to mention far more detrimental to a lot more people's lives.
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