Blow The City.

In the last week of February 2007, a small town in Belgium called Ghent, will blow up. People from all over the world will take part in the process and the results should be, well, beautiful. Blow The City is calling anyone that can put pen to plastic to send balloons to Ghent, with a small note about who they are and where they are from. In an exercise of global togetherism the balloons will be released all at once, coating the wintered city of Ghent in color. A gentle change from the now common instances of bombings and explosions Blow The City creates another kind of impact that is about community and communication rather than destruction.

This is a street art project. As seen on nownow. Send your balloons here [MySpace].

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Yeah, I think the only kind of impact it will create is an environmental one. What are the chances of one blown here getting anywhere near its destination? It's idealistic and cute, but not so good for the environment.
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Wow... I just popped in to make exactly the same sort of comment. They end up all over as litter, or get eaten by wildlife and can cause horrific deaths by clogging intestines... I'm glad more people know about the harms of releasing tons of helium balloons into the sky. Hopefully, a few people will see these sorts of comments here, and a few more of these kinds of events will be prevented.
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