Termesphere: Sphere Paintings by Dick Termes.

Dick Termes uses a unique canvas for his paintings: spheres! The geometry is fantastic!

Hung from a rod, the balls painted by Termes slowly rotate, presenting six different viewpoints. Amazingly, as you stare at the revolving sphere, it appears to pop inside out. You feel as if you're sucked inside to get a weirdly distorted, inside-out view of the painted scene. It's a remarkable optical illusion.

Termes has painted all sorts of scenes on the surface of spheres, including the interiors of famous buildings, many different geometric patterns, and various imaginary "dream" worlds ...

Termes has painted scenes on spheres of many different sizes. Most range from 13 inches to 24 inches in diameter. His largest "termesphere" started out as an orange, rotating Union 76 gas station sign, 7 1/2 feet in diameter

Links: Science News article | Dick Termes' website

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