Alex Santoso's Liked Blog Posts

Breaking Gru

Breaking Gru by Warbucks Design

Mobile lab has never looked so good! Warbucks Design lovingly created the cutest Walt, Jesse and The RV you'll ever see.

Visit Warbucks Design's Facebook Page for more, then check out his NeatoShop page for more T-shirts: Link.

Kick Aaugh Zoinks ... They're Zombies! The Droid King Misbehave

View more designs by Warbucks Design | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop, earn generous royalties, and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Zombie Silly Walk

Zombie Silly Walkers by Chema Bola8

Even the undead need grant money! The right leg isn't silly at all, and the left leg merely doesn't remain attached with aerial half-turn every alternate step.

Let's welcome Spanish artist Chema Bola8 to the NeatoShop. Visit Chema's official website, Facebook and deviantART page, then take a look at the rest of his awesome designs over at his NeatoShop page.

Bamfperture El Cheletor Bullit Fett Darthmen

View more designs by Chema Bola8 | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop, earn generous royalties, and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Now Here's a Country That Has Figured Out Education

In our recent "If You Want The American Dream, Go To Finland" post about different school systems of the world, we told you about the Finnish school system, which is widely considered as one of the best in the world.*

(*Technically, South Korean students score the highest in test scores, but their education system relies heavily on after-hour academic academies called hagwons where students study all the time.)

That post drew some enlightening comments from Neatoramanaut CreamK, who live in Finland, about lifelong, continuing adult education and the role of education in advancement of one's career:

For higher degrees in "blue collar" job titles it's combined seamlessly with work. You can get any degree on your field while working and it's subsidiced so that government will pay part of your salary when you have to be away from work (about 1-2 months per year). Employers are very eager to participate as they get better educated, motivated old known workers for pennies.. [...]

I'm doing a similar degree right now, i have very few courses since i managed to work in various jobs in av industry before. I got VERY tailored curriculum to fit my needs and every single one gets the same treatment. Basically i need to prove that i'm able to do things in a professional manner. I will be "judged" in work or work simulated situations by three professionals with an academic degree in my field

CreamK summarizes:

So most workers that want to have a career, are constantly on school part time getting higher and higher degrees [...] The level of commitment on those adult schools from both teachers and pupils is really really high and the percentage that get a job from that route is staggering: in my field we are expecting 80% employment before the school ends.

I'm glad to find out that there is a sane education system in the world (one that includes lifelong, continuing adult education as well). It's sad that it seems only to exist in Finland.

Image: Walking Graduation Cap from the NeatoShop

Hey Girl by Edison

Oh, Edison. We all know he's a hopeless romantic when he proposed marriage by morse code. That's why the folks at GE put together a few "Hey Girl" pics for the famous inventor. Ryan Gosling, eat your heart out! View more over at Pinterest and Geeks Are Sexy

Previously on Neatorama: 10 Fascinating Facts About Edison (What? Not an Edison fan? Check out Tesla: Master of Lightning instead)

Walking Shark

A bit lake for Shark Week, but that's what you get when you walk instead of swim, lil' sharky!

Meet Hemiscyllium halmahera, a new species of walking shark or bamboo shark found in the waters of eastern Indonesia. The shark has brown color with spots of dark polygons, and more notably, "walks" on the sea floor by using its pectoral and pelvic fins. Mark Erdmann of Weda Resort filmed the video clip above.

Zen Version of Where's Waldo?

Dan Piraro's Zen version of Where's Waldo? is about as difficult to play as answering the famous koans "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" and "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Further meditation is required.

How to Open a Fruit Cup

How do you open that fruit cup you found in the fridge? Stephanie Pepper tells us how: "caaaarreeefuuuuullyyy.... "

Meanwhile in Malta ...

While America was watching Miley Cyrus, uh, "perform" at the VMA, the good people of the town of St. Julian in Malta had a little performance of their own: the traditional "gostra" game where men, women, and children scramble up a greased pole to grab a flag.

The game is part of the annual Feast of St. Julian and you can view more pics over at The Daily Mail

Sometimes All You Need is a Hug

deviantARTist Mikiko Ponczeck wanted to show us that sometimes, when you're having a bad day, all you need is a hug. But us men know that she's secretly trying to steal our coffee.

Ponies Chillaxin' at the Beach

Photo: Barbara Gallagher

Everybody loves the beach, including horses! Here are some wild ponies of Assateague Island in Maryland and Virginia sunning themselves on the beach. According to The Dispatch, Pony patrol member Barbara Gallagher took this photo on a busy Saturday afternoon.

There are over 300 wild ponies on Assateague Island. According to local legend, they are descendants of a Spanish galleon that shipwrecked along the coast (others claimed that they were descendants of local colonial horses that got loose).

Photo: Bonnie Gruenberg/Wikimedia

Photo: Christopher Evanson/US Coast Guard/Wikimedia

On the Virginia side of the island, the horse population is kept in check through the Annual Pony Swim, in which volunteers called the Salt Water Cowboys round up feral ponies, drive them across the channel during slack tide and auction some of them off, before driving the rest back to the island.

Black Hole Ejects "Space Slinky"

You know what's the best thing about black holes, apart from them not being too close to us that they'd suck all of us up into oblivion? Two words: space slinky.

Eileen Meyer from the Space Telescope Science Institute and colleagues used images from the Hubble Space telescope to analyze the central black hole of nearby M87 galaxy and discovered that when it is busy feeding, the black hole can also fire jets of plasma into space, in the form of a giant helical slinky:

Meyer found evidence that suggests the jet's spiral motion is created by a helix-shaped magnetic field surrounding the black hole. In the outer part of the M87 jet, for example, one bright gas clump, called knot B, appears to zigzag, as if it were moving along a spiral path. Several other gas clumps along the jet also appear to loop around an invisible structure. [...]

"The jet structure is very clumpy. Is this a ballistic effect, like cannonballs fired sequentially from a cannon?" Meyer asked, "or, are there some particularly interesting physics going on, such as a shock that is magnetically driven?"

Meyer's team found evidence for both scenarios. "We found things that move quickly," Meyer said. "We found things that move slowly. And, we found things that are stationary. This study shows us that the clumps are very dynamic sources."


Yo Google! What's Tracy Spiridakos Got To Do With Klingon Forehead?

When I was doing a bit of web research for our "8 Bafflingly Strange Plastic Surgeries" post on Neatorama, I googled "Klingon Forehead" on Google Images.

Sure enough, tons of images of Klingons and their ridged foreheads popped up, but I was perplexed at why Tracy Spiridakos showed up on Google Images' search results. There was no such association over at Bing Images.

As far as I know, Spiridakos, the Greek-Canadian actress has never starred in any Star Trek movies, and that there's no real connection between her, her sci-fi TV show Revolution with Klingons (well, until this post gets picked up by Google anyhow).

What gives, Google?

Neatoramanauts, have you noticed any other strange things over at Google?

(Note: After 8 years of writing for Neatorama, I've recently noticed strange things about our Google referrals - that's a topic for another time - but that's what got me interested in learning more about Google's search results)

"If You Want the American Dream, Go To Finland"

Complaining about the country's education system is a favorite pastime of many American parents, but why don't - or can't - we change the way we educate our children?

Author Amanda Ripley decided to investigate by enlisting "field agents" of American students who studied abroad at Finnish, South Korean, and Polish schools.

Here's what she found out:

“If you want the American dream, go to Finland.” These blunt words from a British politician, quoted by Amanda Ripley in “The Smartest Kids in the World” [...]

[American student named Kim, who went to a typical Finnish school] soon notices something else that’s different about her school in Pietarsaari, and one day she works up the courage to ask her classmates about it. “Why do you guys care so much?” Kim inquires of two Finnish girls. “I mean, what makes you work hard in school?” The students look baffled by her question. “It’s school,” one of them says. “How else will I graduate and go to university and get a good job?”

It’s the only sensible answer, of course, but its irrefutable logic still eludes many American students, a quarter of whom fail to graduate from high school. Ripley explains why: Historically, Americans “hadn’t needed a very rigorous education, and they hadn’t gotten it. Wealth had made rigor optional.” But now, she points out, “everything had changed. In an automated, global economy, kids needed to be driven; they need to know how to adapt, since they would be doing it all their lives. They needed a culture of rigor.”

Read more over at the New York Times: Link | Ripley's book: The Smartest Kids in the World

Russian Army Choir Sings "Skyfall"

Move over, Adele! Here comes the Russian Army choir singing a cover of Skyfall that will make you forget that the Russians have been portrayed as villains in many James Bond movies.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

Like that? Check out: Elderly Chinese Choir Takes On Lady Gaga

8 Bafflingly Strange Plastic Surgeries

Everyone's beautiful on the inside, but that's probably just what ugly people say. To truly let the beauty out, sometimes you have to go under the knife. So forget boob jobs, liposuction, and tummy tucks - to make yourself *truly* unique, consider these 8 extremely unusual plastic surgeries:

1. Perma-Smile or Mouth Corner Lift

Wanna know how I got these scars?

No, we're not talking about implanting a piece of cheese on your face. Take a look at her lips - notice the perma-smile?

The first entry in this list is inspired by the viral spread of the photo of this lovely young woman who wanted to have a Joker-worthy smile turn her perma-frown upside down into a perma-smile. The surgical procedure is called the "Smile Lipt" mouth corner surgery by AOne plastic surgery clinic in South Korea.

Doctor Kwon Taek Keun of the clinic told ABC News:

"When mouth corners are lifted up, a bright and gentle image is created, and the uplifted mouth corners create a bright and jolly appearance. When corners lift up during a conversation, the person appears sincere and confident.” [...]

"People who come to receive this procedure are people with sagging mouth corners, asymmetrical mouth corners, and people who have no confidence in their smiles. This costs them $2000."

2. Forehead Augmentation

(Yes, this one above is photoshopped, but you can see a real before/after photos here)

Forget breast augmentation - here comes forehead augmentation! If you've got bony protrusion near the eybrows, tilted forehead, flat forehead, hollow forehead or - God forbid - wide forehead, you can get that fixed.

Or you could go the other way. Up to you:

Ain't nothing wrong with her forehead
                               - Liutenant Worf

3. Eyelash Transplant

"Eyelash transplantation does for the eyes what breast augmentation does for the figure," said Doctor Alan J. Bauman as we told you in this 2006 Neatorama post. There is, however, one side effect that to be aware of: transplanted eyelashes continue to grow, so you'd need to routinely trim or curl them.

4. Cankle Lipo

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