Archive for October 17th, 2011

The Downside of The Republic's Fall

Seen at Occupy Endor last weekend...just kidding, it was at the New York Comic Con last weekend. BuzzFeed has more great pictures of cosplayers spotted at the convention. LinkFunny, Star Wars, Storm Troopers, occu...

Wackiest Wolverine Variant Costume

Here we see Wolverine decked out in his rare Banana variant costume taking a well deserved break after a day of slipping on himself, re-hydrating so he doesn't ripen and turn brown. If you see Wolverine in this outfi...

Presidential Pickup Lines

These Presidents have got my vote! Behold something that will tickle all you club-goin' history geek: Presidential Pickup Lines - via Buzzfeed US presidents, pickup line...

Wheelchair Controlled with Facial Muscles

(Video Link) To turn left, blink your left eye. To turn right, blink your right eye. To start moving, clench your teeth. To stop moving, clench your teeth again. Thanks to researchers at Miyazaki University, wheelch...

Soldiers Improvise a Solution from Predator

In the movie Predator, Jesse Ventura's character carries a M134 minigun, which he fed with a huge box strapped to his back. US soldiers with the 133rd Infantry Regiment in Afghanistan saw the movie and thoug...

How to Make Anime Eyes

(Video Link) You don't need a mask, just a good makeup kit and patience. BeautifulYouTV will walk you through the process, step-by-step. Once, you're done, put in these anime contact lenses to really freak people ou...

Everything That I Ever Understood about Women Is Now Wrong

I guess that I should be glad that I got married before the revival of Doctor Who. I could do what's crossed out, but I'm not sure that I could come up with a TARDIS. Certainly not a functional one. My th...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Everywhere

Simon Fletcher runs a Tumblr blog with an inspired mission: to point out images of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in noses everywhere. He writes, "God is the artist. I just find the Ninja Turtle in his work." Miche...

Sleepless in Space: Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan (Asteroids) Meet Up Again

Could you believe that it's been 18 years since Sleepless in Seattle came out? Why, it's time for a remake ... this time in space! Once upon a time, the...

Dance Your PhD 2011

(vimeo link)For the third year, the Dance Your PhD competition has gathered videos of graduate students interpreting their doctoral dissertations in dance form. All 53 entries for 2011 are posted at ScienceNOW. The vide...

Occupy the Tundra

Diane McEachern has something to teach all those people at Occupy Wall Street protest: you have to come in with overwhelming force that's no match for the local opposition. Like how sh...

6 Movies You Didn't Know Were Rip Offs

si Jewel thieves decide to steal a load of diamonds at the behest of an older criminal boss. While robbing the jewelry store, an alarm goes off and one of the thieves kills the employees. Blah blah blah ... Mexican s...

Star Wars Movie Mash Up Posters

I don't know about you guys, but I would certainly want to go see this. For more funny Star Wars mash up posters, check out the Geeks Are Sexy article at the link. LinkFunny, Star Wars, movies, chewbacca, Sci Fi,...

Criminal Penguin Caught on Tape

Forget Happy Feet - these criminal penguins have Sticky Hands ... er, make that Sticky Beaks: A "criminal" stone-stealing Adelie penguin has been captured...

Fascinating Turtle Facts & Pics

Dark Roasted Blend has a great article on turtles right now, complete with tons of great pictures and some interesting facts about the creatures. For example: The rigid shell means turtles cannot breathe as other re...

Word as Image

In his newest work, Word as Image, Korean artist Ji Lee (Previously on Neatorama) issued himself a challenge to create an image out of a word, using only the letter...

My Little... Doggie?

This beautiful My Little Pony poodle was spotted over at the British Dog Creative Stylist of the Year competition. For more delightfully goofy pictures of posh pups, check out the link and enjoy The Telegraph's slideshow...

Kitties Playing Copy Cat

(Video Link) This just might be the most literal use of the term ever. Via BuzzFeedFunny, cats, Cute, videos, animals, pets, copy cat...

He’ll Find the Guys Who Didn’t Do It

Have you ever watched a police lineup on TV and wondered how real-life detectives manage to find so many similar-looking potential perps in a hurry? Sometimes they round up police officers or department employees, or fri...

Anchorman, Zoolander, or Blades of Glory?

It's not a case of "if you've seen one, you've seen them all," but rather a case of "if you like this kind of movie, the odds are good that you've watched all three of these films." In today's Lunchtime Quiz at menta...

Zombie Back Scratcher

Zombie Back Scratcher - $24.95 Zombies, zombies everywhere and now we have body parts to share.  That's right folks, the Zombie invasion of the NeatoShop continues. Behold the new Zombie Back Scratcher. This fantasti...

The Walken Dead

(YouTube link) "For every zombie who's ever wanted their brains served with a side of cowbell"! Fans of the the AMC series The Walking Dead and fans of Christopher Walken will both love this parody. -via Da...

Smiling Faces

What you are looking at here is a cross-section of a blade of marram grass, which is used to stabilize coastal dunes. Fluorescent dye has been added to highlight the internal structures. Those internal structures loo...


Yeah, I'd almost gotten over them until I unthinkingly used the hand sanitizer. This Twaggie was illustrated from a Tweet by @rodney_at_large. Purell is not to be trifled with! LinkTwitter, tweet, Twaggies, sanitizer...

Movies and Board Games

Some movies just seem to naturally mesh with board games. See a collection of 14 such mashups rendered in movie posters gleaned from the Something Awful forums at Unreality magazine. Linkmovies, Games, mashup, board...

New York Comic-Con 2011 Photos

There was a huge turnout of cosplayers at new York's Comic-Con, and photographer Michael Tapp was there to document them. See a gallery of 43 photographs of the best costumes to be seen at the convention at Geeks Are...

100-Year Old Man Completes Marathon

I think that we've now run out of excuses to exercise. Fauja Singh, at the age of 100, became the oldest man to complete a marathon: It took Singh over eight hours to cross the finish line — more than six hours afte...

Jedi Turtles

(Video Link) First it was kittens, and now it's turtles! All of the animals are getting into the action -- which is making trips to the vet difficult, I can tell you. It's not the lightsabers that I mind so much as...

The Origin of Frankenstein

The following article is reprinted from The Best of Uncle John' Bathroom Reader. The original Frankenstein's monster wasn't Boris Karloff -it was (believe it or not) a character created by a 19-y...

Unflappable Dog

(Live Leak link) Bouncy kittens all around, and this dog remains ever calm and serene. -via Arbroathdog, kittens...


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