I guess that I should be glad that I got married before the revival of Doctor Who. I could do what's crossed out, but I'm not sure that I could come up with a TARDIS. Certainly not a functional one.
My three-year old saw a picture of the TARDIS and asked me what it was. I explained it to her, but I also emphasized that in our family, we are Trekkies. We respect people of other traditions, including Whovians. But we are Trekkies. Gotta start teaching the family ways and traditions while they're young and impressionable.
Link -via Blastr
@ Mr. Awesome: Please take Amanda's advice. You have become the male version of a bitter divorcee. Seriously. Have a drink and relax.
@Mr. Awesome: Wow, dude, tone it down a bit. I get that you've probably had some bad experiences with women, and there are plenty of women in the world who are... problematic... (just as there are plenty of MEN who are also), but this kind of over-the-top, misogynistic, vitriolic, stereotyping does absolutely NO ONE any good. Neither you, nor the women you are railing against. We're all complicated, messy, sometimes short-sighted or ignorant people, and we all come in good, bad, and everything in between. Take a deep breath, and CHILL.