Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Watching This Guy Pop The Giant Water Bubble In His Lawn Is Oddly Satisfying

Some people are so obsessed with having a perfect looking lawn that they water it daily, trim it weekly and ignore all water conservation rules and regulations just so they can admire its lush green beauty.

But the giant bubble in James Callender's lawn wasn't caused by overwatering- it was a result of heavy rainfall in Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, leaving him with a giant lawn bubble to burst.  

Thankfully James' lawn bubble popping fun was caught on video, and what an oddly satisfying video it is to watch!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Little Things

Birds That Escape From Captivity Are Teaching Other Birds How To Speak (And Swear)

Some birds are so smart they can not only learn to speak like a human- they can also teach other birds how to speak.

And when these chatty birds escape from captivity they take their ability to imitate human language with them, and before you know it their new wild bird friends are asking for crackers and screaming curse words from the trees above.

According to ornithologist Jaynia Sladek from the Australian Museum birds that are natural mimickers hear birds saying human words and can't help but want to imitate these new sound cues:

Some birds are so smart they can not only learn to speak like a human- they can also teach other birds how to speak. And when these chatty little birds escape from captivity they take the knowledge of how to imitate human language with them, and before you know it wild birds are asking for crackers and screaming curse words from the trees above.

Wild birds are able to quickly learn from the chatty ex-pets and as a result, start picking up new words and sounds. The remnants of the language are often passed down to offspring. “There’s no reason why, if one comes into the flock with words, [then] another member of the flock wouldn’t pick it up as well,” Sladek told Australian Geographic.

Read Birds That Escape From Captivity Teach Wild Birds How To Speak (And Swear) In English here

Guy Gets Same Tattoo As His Adopted Dog, Soon Realizes He Made A Terrible Mistake

(Image Link)

It's not a good idea to get a symbol tattooed on your skin without finding out what it means first, just ask anyone who got a tattoo in Chinese or Japanese or Sanskrit during college.

The guy in the photo above adopted a dog with a tattoo then got the very same tattoo on his bicep without researching it first and discovered he'd made a terrible mistake after posting his heartfelt story on social media.

He thought the tattoo had been applied by the dog's cruel and heartless former owners, turns out it's a mandatory tattoo applied by vets to shelter pets to indicate they've been neutered. Well, at least he'll have something to talk about if he ever dates a veterinarian!

-Via Goodfullness

Strange And Twisted Stuff Seen In Children's Books

If kids created children's books they probably wouldn't think to include double entendres in the dialog and sneaky little pictures in the background, but they don't- adults create kids books, so they like to include a little something for the parents to enjoy.

Sometimes it's a funny line that can be easily seen as racy by adults but are still totally innocent to kids, while other people have spotted hilarious and purposely inserted imagery like the blocks that spell "hepatitis" above.

This exerpt from the book "Nan's Man" is just plain strange, and the humor seems lost on a little kid, but maybe kids like a good wig and leg wax joke as much as we older folks?

See more Ridiculously Twisted Stuff In Backgrounds of Children's Books at FAILBlog

Rad Scream - Dude, You Totally Stabbed Me Bro! Not Cool!

Rad Scream by Vincent Trinidad 

The original Scream movie wasn't made in the 80s, but it had that old school slasher flick feel so it has been given honorary 80s status as a "radical horror film of note". Now let's be real- Scream will never really be as iconic or beloved as the Elm Street series or the Friday the 13th series, and Leatherface has Ghostface beat by a mile, but the Screamiverse does have one thing going for it- it's terrifying because we all might be in it right now! Better hide those kitchen knives!

Add some radical slasher style to your geeky wardrobe with this Rad Scream t-shirt by Vincent Trinidad, it's to die for!

Visit Vincent Trinidad's Facebook fan page, official website and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more horror-bly good designs:

One Punch Man Marshmallow Man Suicide Kiss Merc with a Mouth

View more designs by Vincent Trinidad  | More Horror T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Mark Of The Dark - Show The World Your Spooky Side

The Mark of the Dark by Barrett Biggers

Making pacts with evil powers will leave you marked for the rest of eternity, because that stain on your soul stays with you well after your physical body has passed away. Some say it looks like a snake coiling around your non-corporeal body, others say it makes you look like you're constantly emitting smoke, like the darkness within you is spewing out of your head like a smokestack. But when you've given your soul over to dark forces and agreed to do their bidding it doesn't matter what that spirit tattoo looks like- because you're wicked self is probably going to think it looks badass!

Dress for life on the dark side with this The Mark of the Dark t-shirt by Barrett Biggers, it's one wicked cool way to get geared up for the spookiest season of them all!

Visit Barrett Biggers's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more dark and geeky designs:

The Essence Elixir Between Life and Death We all drink rootbeer floats down here The Galactic Botanist

View more designs by Barrett Biggers | More Horror T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Rest In Fame

The Grim Reaper will come for us all some day so there's no need to summon him before your time has come, and any necromancer who dares to summon the Reaper while he's at work is asking for trouble of the immortal kind.

That's why we don't have to fear the arrival of the Reaper, because when he comes we'll be stone cold dead without a care in the world, so keep on rockin' until you feel that bony finger tapping on your shoulder!

(YouTube Link)

Fauche Qui Peut (Rest In Fame) is a fun 3D animated short created at the ArtFX School in Montpellier, France, and it reveals what we've always suspected- Grim Reapers naturally gravitate towards rock stars. Live fast, die young...

Gun Perspective In FPS Games Doesn't Make Any Sense

By definition First Person Shooters are supposed to play out in a first person perspective, meaning the player should feel like they're actually pulling the trigger and mowing down the bad guys.

But there's something not quite right about "first person" perspective in FPS games, and as this Hejibits comic by John Kleckner shows the problem is your eyeballs aren't in your chest- they're in your head where they belong.

And not your torso head either, your actual, top of your body on top of your neck head...unless you're a mutant...hey, maybe every FPS video game character is a mutant!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Designer Makes Her Clothing Unique By Printing On Manhole Covers

It's hard for fashion designers to make their clothes stand out on the crowded racks without taking drastic measures, and those who are dying to stand out keep creating outfits no sober person would be caught dead in.

So if you want to make your clothes stand out you should take a note from the Berlin-based clothing company Raubdruckerin and keep it simple. Oh, and you should do all your printing straight on the street.

Raubdruckerin translates to "pirate printer", which is a fun way of describing their process of using cool looking manhole covers from every city they visit as printing plates.

First they clean the manhole cover, then they apply a lacquer to the cover and press a garment or bag onto the design, creating a really cool looking garment or tote that is also a memento from cities around the world.

-Via design you trust

This 2000-lb Sculpture Was Made To Be Moved With One Fingertip

Modern sculptors who create massive public art pieces have a hard time moving their works across town to the display site without using heavy equipment and a crew of individuals with strong backs.

Which is why it's hard for modern people to imagine how the ancient residents of Easter Island moved those massive Moai heads from one side of the island to the other without the aid of machines.

This question of how ancient people moved massive stuff prompted students at MIT to build the McKnelly Megalith to prove how easy it can be to move a massive object with a minimal amount of force:

The structure was built over the course of a few weeks using fiber-glass enforced concrete and a soft foam core. At 2000 pounds, it’s considerably lighter than the 82-ton Moai of Easter Island, but the fact that it can be adjusted with just the push of a finger is still an extraordinary feat. 

Megaliths like MIT’s structure and the Easter Island statues are specially designed to be rolled or shimmied across long distances using carefully calculated movements. As long as the center of the object’s mass is positioned in just the right place, it should be able to be moved with relative ease regardless of its weight.

The way this method could have been used on Easter Island close to 1000 years ago is detailed on MIT Architecture’s website: "In a similar manner to how one might shimmy a refrigerator into place, the Moai were pulled back and forth by ropes, employing momentum to transport these unwieldy megaliths. This (re)discovery brings new meaning to the folklore that the statues 'walked themselves.'"

MIT’s megalith was erected in a similar fashion. At a rate of about 300 feet per hour, a small team teetered the piece to its final position and then hoisted it upright using a rope.

The Math Behind the McKnelly Megalith from matter design on Vimeo.

-Via Mental Floss

How To Identify And Avoid Burnout

Every worker in the world is prone to burnout, and the more hours you put in at your job the more likely you are to fall victim to burnout, no matter how rewarding the job.

Thankfully our minds and bodies have ways of telling us we're about to experience burnout well before it happens, so if you learn to identify the signs you can de-stress and avoid getting burned out altogether.

This colorful graphic created by The Simple Dollar shows the 7 Signs Of Burnout and discusses six things you can do to avoid burnout, from simply getting enough sleep at night to the harder to maintain 40 hour work week.

But my choice for the best way to avoid burnout is to get outdoors and see some greenery whenever possible, because sunshine, fresh air and a visit with Mother Nature really clears my head.

See full sized infographic here

-Via Lifehacker

Things People Say (And What They Actually Mean)

Any sophomore student of human nature will tell you people say stuff they don't mean and think stuff they don't say, and uncovering these unspoken truths can change the way you feel about the words coming out of their mouths.

For instance, you know that friend or relative who is constantly claiming they just say the hateful stuff everyone else is thinking but are "too afraid to say"?

They're really just trying to absolve themselves of any blame or anger related to the ugly words spewing out of their mouths, so don't let them off the hook when they pass the blame off to some unknown "everyone".

And when someone says a decision is "up to you" even though they've clearly stated their stance on the issue you'd better rack your brain and remember how they felt- or you'll be hearing about your bad decision for years to come!

See 29 B.S. Things People Say (And What They Actually Mean) at Cracked (barely NSFW due to language)

Laser-Shooting Cats From Planet Rainbow - One A-Meow-Zing Design!

Laser-Shooting Cats From Planet Rainbow by PolySciGuy

The time when a regular old tee with a unicorn or cat on it will cut the mustard has passed, and these days if your cat doesn't have all kinds of stuff going on it won't get you the attention you're seeking. But if you sport this Laser-Shooting Cats From Planet Rainbow t-shirt by PolySciGuy people will be unable to avoid staring at your shirt, and while some will complain about the design hurting their eyeballs most will compliment you on your unique taste in tees.

And while I'm generally the guy who says "less is more" this shirt proves that sometimes more is more, because it has the perfect amount of cats shooting lasers out of their eyes (4), blazing unicorns (1) and rainbows (1), plus it has a hang in there cat which makes it perfect from top to bottom!

Visit PolySciGuy's NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

Mad Mistletoe Tasty & I Know It Not A Morning Person

Asian Tides

View more designs by PolySciGuy | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

High School Student Builds Driveable Replica Of An M26 Pershing Tank

These days high schoolers have a lot more fun than I ever did during those terrible teen years, and between the awesome digital art classes, radical robot building programs and cool classes on coding I kinda wish I could go back. 

But nothing created by a high school student has blown me away quite like this project built by the 18-year-old high schooler behind the YouTube channel MacroMachines.

It's a nearly exact and totally drivable replica of a WWII-era M26 Pershing tank built at 40% scale, which took him 14 months to build but will be totally worth it when he drives it down the aisle on graduation day.

(YouTube Link)

You can watch the entire process of building this amazing little tank here

-Via Laughing Squid

What Life Is Like When You Have More Than Three Pets

(Image Link)

At one point my family had fourteen pets living in our home, and if my little sister had gotten her way that number would have continued to go up on a daily basis.

We had two parrots, two finches, a turtle, four cats, two dogs, a rat and two cockatiels, and even though I was only 11-13 years old I often had to take care of them all, which was a crash course in pet responsibility.

(Image Link)

It was also surprising to see how well all these pets would get along with each other, and despite the pet madness (and all the poop) my younger self didn't mind being surrounded by critters.

Then again, it probably would have been quite different if we'd had a dozen cats living in our home, and our house would have smelled even worse...

(Image Link)

See 10 People Reveal What Life Looks Like When You Have More Than 3 Pets here

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