Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

These Horrible Robot Face GIFs Will Give You Nightmares

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Sometimes we like GIFs because they send a short but sweet message, other times we dig them because they feature a scene from our favorite movie or a funny moment that fits nicely in a three to five second clip.

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But GIFs that horrify rather than amuse are much more visually effective, and they can say things in silent motion that no still image could ever manage.

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Set one of these suckers in motion on a coworker's computer screen and watch them squirm and schedule a meeting with HR, or stare at one when you're feeling down to remind yourself how human you really are.

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See The 10 Most WTF Gifs of "Human-Like" Robots here

What's Stuck In This Brick Wall?

It appears the internet has actually run out of optical illusions to share, so until an artist like Dudolf creates a new one for us to stare at we're staring at this brick wall illusion that made the rounds in 2014.

See if you can figure out what's stuck in between the bricks in the wall before you scroll down to see the answer below.

This is definitely one of those “illusions” that can't be unseen once the answer is revealed, since it's something our eyes have trouble processing so once they're told what to see they see it every time.

Anyways, enough stalling, here's what's stuck in the wall:

It's a cigar! Did you see it immediately or did your eyes keep telling you it was a crack in the brick with some little gray thing sticking out? Yeah, same here...

-Via Boing Boing

Photographer Creates Visual Nightmares With A Little Help From His Daughters

Fathers and daughters can have a nightmarish relationship, butting heads about things like boys, makeup and appropriate school attire.

But if they're lucky they can find something fun to do together, an activity that brings them closer together and makes their family life a dream come true.

For photographer Joshua Hoffine that fun activity is also the stuff of nightmares, because he uses his daughters as models in horrifying photo shoots best described as darker than midnight.

Joshua's photos often depict a bad dream come to life, but the girls don't get scared by the terrifying scenes their daddy comes up with, because they see the whole thing as "a giant game of dress-up".

Those little girls are brave to play along with such a demented daddy!

See Photographer Dad Creates Horror Photos Together With His Daughters here

Actors Whose Lives Are More Interesting Than Their Characters

Celebs who choose to keep their lives adventurous rather than playing it safe and insurable are a daring bunch who are often willing to risk their lives for the welfare of others.

After playing Andrea on The Walking Dead, Laurie Holden decided she wanted to make a real difference in the world, so she went undercover to help free Colombian sex slaves.

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Pictured above in her "disguise", Laurie joined Operation Underground Railroad and put her acting skills to work while busting up a sex slavery ring in Cartagena, helping save 55 girls.

She was chosen for the Operation because she'd already worked her magic in Cambodia and Vietnam, proving that Andrea's life was boring compared to Laurie's, even with all the zombies lurking about.

Elizabeth Taylor was known for playing characters who made an emotional impact on the audience, but Liz made an even bigger impact on the world by being part of an AIDS drug smuggling ring.

Before she started the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation she helped combat the AIDS epidemic directly by running an illegal AIDS drug ring out of her mansion in Bel Air.

Liz supplied the infected with an experimental HIV drug and let them use her home as a safe haven, despite the fact her work had begun to alienate her in Hollywood as celebs refused to get on board.

To date, the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation has raised over $270 million to fight the syndrome, and now it's really hard to imagine a world where battling AIDS was a shunnable offense in Hollywood.

Read about 7 Actors With More Interesting Lives Than Their Characters here (contains NSFW language)

Adding Music Makes Any Video More Entertaining To Watch

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As a general rule adding music to just about any activity will make it better- taking a cold shower, eating leftovers for dinner, starting a riot, even watching a weather report is more enjoyable when you add music.

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So it follows that normally mundane videos would become maximum entertainment when you add the right soundtrack.

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Watching these videos with newly overdubbed music added makes me wonder how people could stand to watch such bland videos before the addition of the perfect soundtrack score.

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They've also made me wonder why we don't see more auctioneers becoming rappers, because they've got mad flows. yo.

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See These Videos Prove That Music Makes Everything Better here

A Collection Of Funny Tweets About Fatherhood

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Twitterers in their teens and twenties get all the attention these days, which is totally unfair to those hard-working guys who gave those kids their smartphones and can take them away if the kids don't behave- the dear old dads.

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Fathers have some really funny things to say about life with kids, and Twitter is now the platform of choice for dads with too little time on their hands for long form posting.

Besides, sometimes 140 characters is more than enough to paint a pretty picture.

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With Father's Day right around the corner it's time to let dear old dad have the social media spotlight for a while, so we can celebrate the guy who wants to help us make our dreams come true.

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See 20+ Of The Funniest Fatherhood Tweets Ever here

How Do Blind People Know When To Stop Wiping?

It's hard to remember what it was like seeking answers to those inane questions that randomly pop into our heads before the internet put those ridiculous answers at our fingertips.

Here's a video that answers a question you may have asked yourself before- how do blind people know when to stop wiping when they're on the toilet?

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Blind film critic Tommy Edison has a good sense of humor about sighted people asking him silly questions, and now he can tell anyone who asks this question to Google his video and stop being such a dingleberry!

-Via Laughing Squid

Confused Dog Can't Decide Where To Stare, So Photoshoppers Help Him Out

Don't you hate it when your eyes can't agree on where to look, so they end up staring in opposite directions?

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It's even worse when someone takes a picture of you with that walleyed expression on your face and then posts it on the interwebs, because you know somebody's gonna Photoshop you into an embarrassing meme.

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Luckily, the walleyed fellow in this instance is a confused dog who doesn't have permission to go online, so he'll probably never see all the Buscemian things people have done with his pic.

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A few good things have come from the confused dog's sudden internet fame, such as his new friendship with the Dramatic Cupcake Dog, whose stare is a bit straighter but no less intense.

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See more from the Man Holding Confused Dog Photoshop Battle here

-Via Mashable

Colombian Skydivers Try To Play Quidditch In Real Life

You've probably seen those staged quidditch shots posted to social media, where people jump in the air just before the picture is taken so they look like they're flying on a broomstick.

This trick is fine for a snapshot, but the only real way to play Quidditch is to master the magical arts and learn to soar through the sky on a broomstick like a wizarding wren.

But as you can see in this video you can get pretty close to playing some real deal Quidditch while skydiving.

The skydivers in the video are employees from the Colombian phone company ETB, who got to live out their Harry Potter lovin' dreams on the company's dime. Hope they have insurance!

-Via The Daily Dot

Why Saving A Princess From A Dragon Is Easier When You're Sexy

Hundreds, if not millions, of valiant adventurers head out each year to rescue princesses from dragons and other fiendish beasts, and yet very few return with the princess in tow.

Why do these well-trained warriors keep coming up short? Is it their lack of magical equipment? Are their Strength and Dexterity attributes too low?

This strip by Pedro Arizpe of Port Sherry Comics shows how hard it is to rescue a princess when you're not her "type", and also teaches us another important lesson- some princesses don't like it when you slay their dragon pals.

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Conan O'Brien, Zac Efron And Seth Rogen Play Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart is one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time, and when people start karting at a party it's a sure bet everyone in attendance will want a turn.

And yet somehow Conan O'Brien, aka the Clueless Gamer, had never played the game until he sat down to play Mario Kart 8 with Seth Rogen and Zac Efron in honor of their new movie Neighbors 2. (contains NSFW content)

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Conan also hits the vape and gets a wang drawn on his face every time he loses a race, to keep the whole thing appropriately frat themed.

Good thing Standards and Practices made a chart showing the safe way to draw a wang for TV, so as not to scare the children.

-Via Laughing Squid

Want More Bang For Your Buck When You Skip Stones? Use Sodium Instead

Skipping stones across a body of water is the kind of activity that's generally categorized as “not much bang for your buck”, meaning it's not very thrilling to watch or participate in.

But that's because the flat stones that wash up on the banks are low in sodium, so if you really want to see some flash you've gotta "skip" a block of pure sodium.

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YouTuber EatsTooMuchJam picked up a pound of sodium and headed down to the river, using basic science to liven up the lackadaisical act of skipping stones. I like his version better!

-Via Boing Boing

Oddball Car Brands You Probably Haven't Heard Of From The Lane Motor Museum

Back in economically better days the automotive industry was booming and tiny car companies were popping up all over the place, eager to share their unique contours and features with the world.

Nowadays, if you want to see all those strange cars that time forgot you've gotta visit an auto museum, and nobody has more one-offs and oddball models than the Lane Motor Museum in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Lane Motor Museum is home to rare models built by companies trying to break into the auto biz, such as the French pedal car company Mochet (above) or the British tractor company Opperman, who built this adorably austere Opperman Unicar back in the 50s:

The Lane is also home to oddball autos made by motorcycle companies, such as the Maico (pic at top of post), doomed because of a dumb engineering oversight:

In 1956, they stretched the Maico 400 chassis to accommodate four passengers but didn’t fully engineer the resulting Maico 500 (the Lane owns a ’58), and the added weight overwhelmed the front axle.

But motorcycle makers didn't always fail to transition to more than two wheels, as the strange looking yet moderately successful three-wheeled car called the New-Map Solyto proves.

The Solyto was manufactured by the French company New-Map from 1952 to 1974- it weighed only 330 pounds and had an output of 5.5 horsepower, but it was always a big hit with the microcar crowd.

See more from Lane Motor Museum: Oddball Cars You've Never Heard Of here

Indian Woman Gives Birth To Her First Child At Age 72

Women are giving birth later in life than ever before, and advancements in medical science keep extending the age range which doctors deem safe for women to give birth.

But even with our medical advancements and extended lifespans getting pregnant and having a baby when you're a senior citizen isn't advisable.

Apparently nobody told Daljinder Kaur or her husband Mohinder about the age limit, because after two years of receiving IVF treatments Daljinder gave birth to a healthy baby boy- at age 72.

This is their first child after nearly fifty years of marriage, and Daljinder says she was able to give birth because "God heard our prayers".

Let's see how you feel about that baby when he hits the terrible twos!

Read more about Indian Woman In Her 70s Gives Birth To Healthy Baby Boy here

Movies That Have Become Horrifying With Age

We watch movies like The Bad News Bears, Heathers and American Pie when we're younger and don't really pay attention to the subtext, which we later discover is all kinds of messed up.

But looking back it's incredible to think that The Bad News Bears got a PG rating, considering all the cursing and racial slurs in the movie, and Heathers just hasn't felt the same since school shootings became all too common.

American Pie taught us it's okay for zany teens to film sex acts without asking for permission, and yet didn't manage to teach teens to be more careful with their compromising webcam footage.

So, while these aren't the main plots or points of these films they are the shockingly bad subtexts we can't help but see after we've grown wiser with age.

Read 5 Classic Movies That Have Become Horrifying With Age here (contains NSFW language)

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