Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Unusual Uses For Lonely Single Socks

It seems inevitable that we'll end up losing a few socks here and there during our lifetimes, and then we're left with that poor little single sock who is now of no use to our feet.

But instead of mourning the loss of one sock while tossing the other in the trash we should put that newly single sock to work so they can feel useful again.

You can do obvious stuff like turn it into a sock puppet, use it to help clean your blinds, or cover your golf clubs with it, but that's all been done before.

Instead, why not turn those single socks into a fabulous scarf, headband or drink koozy?

You can turn longer socks into a door draft stopper, a windshield wiper cover to prevent ice from forming on the blade, or cut off the foot part and turn a few into fashionable arm or leg warmers.

And now you'll be hoping one sock disappears in the dryer because you'll have a use for the one it left behind!

See 37+ Unusual Uses For Lonely Socks here

David Cross Answers Questions While Eating Brutally Spicy Chicken Wings

David Cross is a brave man, not just because he was in the Chipmunks movies but because he had the strength to talk trash about those crappy kids movies knowing it might mean no more crappy movie offers for him.

These nerves of steel also served him well on First We Feast's Hot Ones, the show where celebs are asked personal questions while being forced to eat increasingly spicy chicken wings.

But can he stay kid friendly while his mouth sizzles? F%@# NO, those wings are SPICY! (In other words, video contains NSFW language)

(YouTube Link)

It's no wonder they chose Sean Evans to host this series- he seems unfazed by the hottest sauces while David Cross starts to cry three or four bottles from the end.

-Via AV Club

This Year's Random Thing You Have To Eat To Be Healthy

Each year a bunch of so-called health experts roll out their picks for the healthy foods we're now supposed to eat instead of last year's healthy list. And where do these so-called experts get this healthful information?

According to this comic by Uber Tool the knowledge is bestowed upon them by The Wise Old Food Man of the Mountain, who names the fruit or veggie he can charge the most for at his produce stand!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

Stray Dog Adopts Human While He's Running In A 155-Mile Long Race

Dogs can be extremely strong willed animals, and sometimes they randomly choose a human to be their master and won't take no for an answer- even if that human is in the middle of running a marathon.

But when little Gobi set her sights on runner Dion Leonard while he competed in the 155-mile 4 Deserts Gobi March China she showed her allegiance by running the rest of the race with Dion.

“On Day 2, I was at the start line for the race stage and she was standing next to me looking up at me,” Leonard told The Dodo. “I thought to myself this little dog isn’t going to last very long at my side as we raced off, but she ended up running the whole day and 23 miles distance.”

Gobi continued to run with Dion when she could, and rode in style with the race organizers when weather conditions got too bad, but through it all she proved that her mind was made up.

So of course Dion had to adopt her, even though it was a royal pain in the neck to bring a Chinese dog into Scotland, but as he said "Gobi picked me to be her pal for life".

-Via Bored Panda

Things You're Not Allowed To Do Inside Disney Parks

When you visit those Magic Kingdoms Disney built you expect to have a safe, immersive and enjoyable experience in a controlled environment where the worst you'll have to deal with are the long lines.

And aside from the rare incident Disney truly delivers on these expectations, but only because they strictly enforce a laundry list of rules guests are told about at the gates and expected to follow.

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Want to bring your own food into the park? They'll allow it as long as your suitcase, cooler or backpack isn't larger than 24X15X18 inches, and as long as you don't have any booze or glass containers larger than baby food containers.

Guests are also forbidden from bringing balloons into the Animal Kingdom park in Orlando, and they can no longer bring selfie sticks into any of the parks, which is a nice addition to the rules.

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Not nice is the fact that a visible tattoo or article of clothing deemed inappropriate can get you kicked out of the park, but that just goes along with their no profanity rule in keeping the parks family friendly.

See 25 Things You're Not Allowed To Do At Disney Parks here

Surprising Realities Of South Korea's Gaming Crazy Culture

No country on the planet takes gaming as seriously as South Korea, where video game addiction has become so bad the government was forced to institute gaming laws to save the lives of their young gamers.

Gamers in South Korea are dropping out of school to game 18 hours a day, injuring themselves by playing so often they require surgery and some have even gamed themselves to death.

So it's understandable for the South Korean government to step in and institute shutdown laws (no teen gaming between midnight and 6 a.m.) and such, but the laws aren't working because they all want to go pro.

Professional gamers often live in sponsored grid-houses, where rent, food and maid services are covered by their financial backers, and for many making a living playing video games seems like a dream come true.

But the reality is they're putting their health and physical well-being at risk to be part of a corrupt system that doesn't care whether pro players end up permanently damaged by the process.

Read 5 Surprising Realities Of South Korea's Intense Gaming Culture here

The Original Godzilla Would Have Looked Ridiculous Trying To Attack Modern Tokyo

Godzilla is the grandfather of all kaiju monsters, and he's been around for so long he's been reimagined for the big and small screen at least a dozen times since 1954.

His latest “evolution” is the Shin Godzilla form, which is 118.5 meters tall, but originally Gojira was half that size and would have looked kind of silly trying to trash modern Tokyo.

That little red scribble is the 50m tall O.G. Original Godzilla up against Tokyo 2016, and while he's still big enough to gobble people up and smash cars he'd have a hard time bringing those skyscrapers down. I guess that's why he had to grow up too!

-Via io9

McDonald's Is Running Out Of Ideas For Commercials, So They Ripped Off Cyriak

McDonald's used to have some really creative commercials, and even had all kinds of peripheral advertising starring McDonaldland characters such as Birdie, Grimace and Mayor McCheese.

But now that they've forgotten how to have fun with their ads McDonald's is hiring ad agencies who think it's okay to blatantly rip off somebody else's work, even if that someone is surreal animator Cyriak Harris.

The ad was quickly pulled from circulation, but not before the ad agency responsible for the ad posted this blatant admission on a forum.

"Reference"- more like rip-ofference, amirite?!

-Via Boing Boing

A Fan Film That Captures The Feel Of The First Generation Transformers

Kids who grew up with the Transformers cartoon, toys and animated feature in the 1980s have been unimpressed by all later offerings, especially the over-the-top Michael Bay movies.

So what is a Transformers first gen fan supposed to do if they want to see the Autobots and Decepticons make the leap into live action without becoming unrecognizable?

(YouTube Link)

This "costuming" fan film by Lior Molcho and Danit Sigler of Chisel Pixel should satisfy the craving until Hollywood decides to go with a retro look for the reboot of the reboot.

And for my fellow practical effects fans here's a behind the scenes look at the making of Generation 1 - Hero.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

The Internet Wants To Adopt This Dad And His Furry Pink Phone Case

You've gotta have self confidence and a good sense of humor about yourself to rock a furry pink phone cover as a grown man, but if you have a teen daughter you also have to give zero f@#ks about embarrassing her.

But this father and proud furry pink phone case owner actually got it from his daughter Taylor, who was delighted by her dad's enthusiasm for his new pink friend.

Soon dad was showing off his cuddly case to all his peeps via selfies and tweets, and some people fell so hard for that furry phone lovin' man they tried to claim him for their own.

Taylor set all the fakers straight in the end, and at the end of the day dear old dad knows who he has to thank for his cuddly pink phone warmer.

-Via FAILBlog

IKEA Rejects Kanye's Offer To Design Furniture For Them, So The Internet Trolls Kanye Instead

We all knew it was only a matter of time before Kanye came down off his throne and started working with “common” companies, but I for one was expecting the company to be either fashion or music related.

But apparently Kanye was so inspired by a trip to IKEA that he offered his incredible furniture design skills to the company, who quickly declined the offer during an interview on CNBC.

And just to make sure Kanye got the message IKEA Australia rubbed in the burn with this post:

Which is IKEA's way of trolling Kanye over this sleazy scene in his "Famous" music video:

Unsurprisingly Kanye had no response to IKEA's rejection, but the internet community was happy to pitch in and show IKEA how great a collaboration with the almighty Kanye could have been.

They even included a product or two for Kanye's wife Kim K., so she can sit comfortably for the first time in her life.

(Image Link)

Now IKEA execs must be thinking they've made a terrible decision by passing on Kanye's magical design skills, and they'll never now how close they came to capturing the soul of a musical genius.

See IKEA Trolls Kanye West, And Now Everyone Is Trolling Him With Fake Product Designs here

Confessions Of A Music Festival Worker

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Music festivals provide a unique(ly dirty) experience for concert goers who aren't content with one or two bands playing a mere two or three hour show.

For the rest of us these (typically) outdoor events represent a trial in one or more ways, an ordeal we have to get through in order to see our favorite bands play under the stars.

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But if you think music festivals are an ordeal for the audience imagine how the workers feel!

They have to deal with people trying to smuggle in booze, people who drank too much booze and those jerks who think it's okay to throw cups full of pee at workers because they're not allowed to just walk up on stage.

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A festival worker from the UK named Hilary Mitchell shared her thoughts about music festivals with BuzzFeed, and revealed things that festival workers know but audiences still don't for some odd reason.

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Hilary blows the lid off the port-a-potty mystery (they're cleaned every day by a worker who gets hazard pay), reveals that most first-aiders are volunteers, and tells us why we shouldn't roll in the mud (it's full of bodily waste).

Wasn't going to happen anyway, but thanks Hilary!

Read 22 Brutally Honest Confessions From A Music Festival Worker here (NSFW-ish)

The Six Stages Of Sleeping With Another Person

There is no question that cuddling in bed with your partner can feel like pure bliss, but once the thrill of newfound warmth wears off you're left with a sweaty mess and a lack of personal space.

Then again, the longer you're with someone the more you cherish those cuddly times spent together, because they come around less frequently than before.

Jacob Andrews from CollegeHumor created this fluffy little comic to walk us through The 6 Stages Of Sleeping With Your Partner, which will make you want to stay in bed all day!

What Happens When You Blast A Flamethrower With A Liquid Nitrogen Freeze-Ray?

Don't you love it when internet science channels test theories and conduct experiments which help us answer those burning pop culture questions we've argued about since we were kids?

Well, here's another great vid by TheBackyardScientist offering new evidence for arguments about what would happen if you blasted a flamethrower stream with a liquid nitrogen "freeze-ray".

(YouTube Link)

If you've ever played the Superfight! card game you know just how priceless these vids can be when settling an argument of the nerdy kind without burning your house down!

-Via Sploid

Swedish Game Show Host Vs. Bad Loser

Emotions run high for contestants on game shows, even when that game show is played while sitting on a comfy couch in what looks like the tamest coffee shop in Sweden.

But when you travel all the way from Lidköping to be on the show you expect to walk away with some killer prizes, so if you lose you might as well burn that coffee shop to the ground...figuratively, of course.

(YouTube Link)

I don't know what I was expecting when I started watching this video, and I don't really know what to think now except- man, the Jerry Springer show sure looks different in Sweden!

-Via The Poke

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