Zeon Santos's Liked Blog Posts

Mom Leaves Hilariously Wrong Note For Babysitter

I'm sure most babysitters roll their eyes when they see that list of rules or emergency numbers sitting on the counter when they show up, and many don't even bother to read the note.

But those of us who love a good laugh are glad Malik Brazile's girlfriend read and shared the note she found when she showed up to babysit- because it's freakin' hilarious!

The ten item list reads like something many parents would love to leave for their babysitters, unless they're members of the PC police in which case they're pretending they've never thought such things.

The best bit to me- "Don't answer the house phone unless you feel like paying bills". Sounds about right!

-Via Some Parenting

Artist Finds Photos Of Random People Online And Turns Them Into Toons

Most illustrators use some sort of photo reference for their drawings, and the internet is a treasure trove of reference material for amateurs and pros alike.

Photo reference is especially useful when drawing people, because as you can see in these portraits by illustrator and character designer Julio Cesar photo reference comes complete with props and personality.

Julio chooses random pics of people he finds online then gives their portraits the toon treatment, with minimal exaggeration so the subjects remain recognizable.

See Artist Finds Photos Of Random People, Transforms Them Into Illustrated Characters here

The Unicorn Frappuccino Is Dead, Long Live Dumb Drink Trends

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Since you are currently on the internet you may have heard about Starbuck's latest gimmicky drink craze that has people standing in huge lines and sending out bitter tweets when they run out- the Unicorn Frappuccino.

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The Unicorn Frap contains as much sugar as 6 Krispy Kreme donuts, baristas hate to make them (and secretly hate you for ordering one), and Anthony Bourdain said it's "four things I hate all in one sentence: Starbucks, unicorns and the colors pink and purple".

Hell, even Katy Perry spat it out after a few sips, and she's part unicorn!

I love her, I have no words @katyperry #katyperry #katycats #KP4 #keiry

A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperrygoals) on Apr 20, 2017 at 10:25pm PDT

But love them or despise them the Unicorn Frappuccino is officially dead, so what sickeningly sweet monstrosity is next?

Disneyland is now offering their own version called the Pink Pegasus, and Starbucks is offering a new Dragon Frappuccino that doesn't sound so great. So maybe you should skip the Starbucks altogether, for the sake of this poor barista's sanity!

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These Post-Crash Pics Show Why You Should Always Wear A Helmet While Biking

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It used to be cool to crap all over helmet laws, and it definitely feels cool to ride with the wind in your hair and nothing but the sun on your head. But ask anyone who has wrecked on their bike and they'll tell you- helmets are way cooler than death or brain damage.  

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Besides preventing a cracked skull a helmet also protects your head and face from a seriously painful case of road rash, which could leave you looking like Skeletor if you hit the street face first.

So strap that helmet on before you go riding so you can live to bike another day!

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See 17 Reasons Why No One Should Ever Put On A Helmet here

This Custom Dewback Couch Is Strictly For Lounge Lizards

Geeky home furnishings have never been hotter than they are today, and as pop culture trends continue to be profitable companies will keep coming out with cool stuff to clutter up our homes.

But after seeing this amazing yet uncomfortable looking Custom Dewback Loveseat made by Regal Robot Custom Studio I've come to realize the world needs more geeky yet functional furniture.

We should be lounging around on all kinds of fantasy and sci-fi creatures, sitting in office chairs shaped like our favorite thrones, vehicles or captain's chairs, and watching TV out of a Titan's mouth.

But for now Star Wars fans will have to pony up $10k for this Custom Dewback Loveseat and start their geeky furniture collection before the trend begins.

-Via GeekTyrant

Why Living On The Enterprise Would Be Awful

Some aspects of life on the Starship Enterprise would appeal to all sci-fi fans- meeting aliens from all over the galaxy, having all of your needs met by machines, the cool clothes, the tech and the holodeck, just to name a few.

But life aboard the Enterprise would have been an absolute nightmare for both the crew and the hundreds of civilians living on board, as they try to get through their day without being phased or blown up.

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This fun video by Grunge discusses the main reasons why living on a Star Trek starship would be a nightmare, including horrifying transporter malfunctions, malfunctioning crew members and the scariest reason of all- you live at your job.

Talented Carpenter Demonstrates How He Turns A Beech Wood Log Into A Bowl

Watching videos of people using tools in the shop to cut, smash, burn, blow up and otherwise destroy stuff is cool, but to me it's even cooler to see a talented craftsman at work making something beautiful.

If you've ever wondered how a woodworker or carpenter takes a section of beech log and turns it into a bowl then you'll find this video from STEREOKROMA's Canadian artisan series Oú Se Trouve most enlightening:

Today we’re featuring Pat Laperrière of Le PicBois from Quebec who is a woodworker primarily focused on wood turning. In this video, he demonstrates how he makes a simple, yet beautiful wooden bowl out of a log of beech. Pat has been woodturning for three years, and although he makes it look easy, it’s quite a dangerous and skillful endevour.

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-Via Laughing Squid

What The Descendents Of Dictators Are Up To Today

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You may hate members of your own family, finding them loathsome and annoying to be around, but imagine if your father was Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milošević, wouldn't you hate them more?

Sadly, many descendants of dictators don't hate their infamous parents at all, and some like Saddam's daughter Raghad Hussein feel their fascist relatives were actually misunderstood heroes.

Raghad has allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS and still remembers Saddam fondly even though he ordered her husband Hussein Kamel al-Majid's execution in 1996. Today Raghad makes jewelry inspired by her dead father, dead husband and her home country Iraq, where she'll likely never be able to return.

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Gaddafi's son Al-Saadi initially seemed to be turning his back on the family business of tyranny- he played football professionally for Libya and Perugia, partied like a celeb and even tried to break in to showbiz.

But when he approached Harvey Weinstein about a role he said "Libya would have to recognize Israel before he’d ever do any business with them", so Saadi went home and got involved in the Libyan civil war. His involvement landed him in a Libyan prison, where he is currently facing murder charges.

Slobodan's son Marko Milošević also loved to party like a celeb, using "his father's access to state revenue to fund a lavish lifestyle and establish a criminal network in Požarevac" while his father dealt with "the Kosovo problem"

Marko was once quoted as saying "guns are my passion", he once threatened a protestor with a chainsaw, and after his father's arrest he went on the lam to Russia, where he and his wife now run nightclubs in Moscow.

Read The Descendents Of Dictators: Where Are They Today here

What The Terminator Says In The Spanish Language Version Of T2 Instead Of "Hasta La Vista, Baby"

It's doubtful Arnold Schwarzenegger knew how iconic his "Hasta la vista, baby" line from Terminator 2: Judgment Day would become, but now we can't say "see you later" in Spanish without hearing Arnie's voice in our heads.

But curious and geeky minds want to know- what does Arnie say in the Spanish language version of T2?

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Apparently he says "Sayonara, baby", which is hilarious enough, but in the Japanese language version he says "Cheerio then, love". WTF is that all about?!

-Via Boing Boing

Doritos Is Releasing A Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Bag That Plays The Whole Soundtrack

Doritos has come up with a strange way to tie their Nacho Cheese chips in with Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2- they're including a music player loaded with the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 in limited edition bags.

All you have to do is plug your headphones into the jack in the front of the bag and you'll have some music to munch by courtesy of Doritos, which raises a galaxy's worth of questions.

How much will this bag of gimmicks cost? Is it Big Gulp  and Slurpee proof? The built-in player is rechargeable, so you can listen to the Vol. 2 Mix over and over again, but does anyone really want that, or will the bag become another unwanted piece of e-waste?

The bag comes out sometime today (April 28th) on Amazon so we'll know more soon, but one thing's for certain- someone will be trying to sell one for a fortune on eBay by next week!

-Via Thrillist

Little Boy Crashes His Bike After Being Distracted By Racy Strip Club Ad

You've gotta keep your eyes on the road, or the sidewalk as the case may be, when you're riding your bike around the city or you may end up chewing concrete, or worse.

That's why we teach kids to ride safely and to be aware of their surroundings while they ride, but what's a boy to do when his eyes spy a racy ad for a strip club on a nearby van while he's riding along? He should try to tear his eyes away from the ad before he crashes!

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Here's what the boy's uncle has to say about the clip:

"I was babysitting my nephew and saw the Privé car with the naked girls posters on their car, so I started filming it for a friend, you know, just between guys. Meanwhile Dali (my nephew) was biking behind me, suddenly, very loudly saying "Oh La La", which he does when he sees girls, haha! And he was so into it, that he crashed into the restaurants outdoor seating with his bike! The girl walking by was just a stranger passing by, and ran up to help him. In all it was just a random act that led to this very funny movie clip!"

-Via Laughing Squad

Tricky Real Estate Listing Photo Hides The Truth About This Home

This cute house in Sydney seems like the kind of place that would sell itself- it's a newer three bedroom house with a yard, it's affordable and located in a nice neighborhood, making it the perfect starter home.

Or it would be perfect had the real estate agent not cleverly photographed it in a way that omits one huge detail- it's situated right in front of a giant water tower.

The real estate agent insists the image has not been Photoshopped because, according to news.com.au, altering the pic could result in a massive fine, but no matter how you look at it that is one shifty agent!

-Via 22Words

Satisfying Videos Of A Water Jet Cutting Through Tough Stuff

We recently shared styropro's dazzling laser bazooka, which can burn a hole right through a computer case, but do you know what's way better at cutting stuff than his homemade laser beam?

A water jet spraying at 60,000 PSI, which is so powerful it easily bisects a bowling ball, camera, spare tire, and more tough stuff you'd never expect water and sand to slice right through.

The Waterjet Channel features all kinds of wet and wild videos that demonstrate the power of water under pressure, but my favorite is the one where they cut an SLR camera in half because it's so revealing.

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-Via Mic

Tightly Cropped Portraits Of People On The Edge

The world is full of people who fear life on the edge, those who wish they could live on the edge and those hard cases with faces that prove every day of their life is lived on the edge.

Photographer Bruce Gilden shoots close-up portraits of the hard cases, the folks walking around with a face that shows they've lived a hard life with every line, wrinkle, scar, sore and open wound on it.

Bruce's book Face collects all the edgy and tightly cropped portraits of the street people who make squares uncomfortable, those who have fallen on hard times with the mugs to match and the odd characters he happened to meet on the road.

See Pain Is Skin Deep: Extreme Close-Up Portraits Of People On The Edge here

These Restaurants Hook Customers With Their Hilarious Names

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Restaurateurs can get customers to eat at their restaurants by mailing out menus and coupons, making food so good that Yelp reviews and word of mouth bring in the eaters, or they can use a gimmick.

And the most popular gimmick is also the most effective- the funny name.

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Name your restaurant something forgettable like "burger barn" or "chicken shack" and you won't be remembered, but name your Thai restaurant "Thai Tanic" and people will line up to go on a culinary cruise!

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And when a funny name isn't enough capitalize on a pop culture trend, like Hammontree did with their Star Wars-themed grilled cheese sandwich food truck the Grillenium Falcon. If only they'd served up sandwiches shaped like the Millennium Falcon they might still be in business...

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See 17 Of The Most Hilarious Restaurant Names here

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