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According to my doctor(s) when I was 3 I nearly died from measles. At 4 I nearly died of chicken pox. At 7 I nearly died of scarlet fever. Now I am battling SEVEN autoimmune diseases. Born too soon for a proper vaccine. I never heard of immune amnesia but I'm pretty sure I have it. dammit
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Writer has some odd points. They say that this is a desperate move by MS to counter the success that Sony has had with the previous generation due to their success in exclusive games. So Sony having more exclusive games is good and Microsoft getting more exclusive games is bad. Which all of this is kind of this market as it was in the early 90s in which Nintendo and Sega had tons of titles which were only available for one system.Activision needed a full change in leadership and culture due to the absolute toxic environment that has been well documented at this point, which this author fails to even mention. There are many worse companies that could have gobbled up Activision (Apple or Amazon). I know people were upset when MS bought Bethesda (which they had already owned 50% of) but they cannot point out the great horror that was to come from it. Lots of people said Minecraft was going to die after MS bought it but it is actually bigger today than it was then.
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I'm living on the US east coast, and I have many family members living back west, in South Dakota, that are pro-gun. Occasionally, the "Swiss-Stat" comes up, ie: the high rate of gun ownership. But they never talk about the training. To get a hunting permit in SDak, it requires a very short course - mine was 1-2 hours when I was only 14 years old. To become weapons trained in the USAF, I went through a weeks of training and qualification, mainly in the handling of the firearm so I didn't accidentally injure myself or others. But it's usually (not always) the family members with zero military service, and next-to-zero training, that are the most pro-gun. I have no reason to own one, so I don't have any.
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There are plenty of people on Earth who want a sustainable city for inhospitable climates. Why not start there? Argentina pays a lot of money to keep their Antarctic colony going, for example. There's plenty of cheap land in our cold deserts, shipping is a lot cheaper, and survivability is rather higher, so I would expect sustainable cities here first, But of course, this is link is more marketecture than anything else. Sigh, I'm getting old and blasé.
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Craziest one I ran afoul of was when in college in Maine and having a beer at a bar, I got up to move over to chat with someone and the bartender had a fit, yelling at me . to stop. Law was no drinking while standing and a server had to move your drink if you wanted to move. All unknown to a NY guy. Not sure if that is still in effect.
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