John Farrier's Liked Blog Posts

10 Hours of Princess Leia Walking around New York City

It seems impossible for a woman to walk around Coruscant or through the streets of New York City without being harassed by Star Wars characters. This parody of Hollaback's anti-bullying video shows Princess Leia trying to mind her own business in the midst of a few Jedi, Jawas, and Mandalorians who need to be Force-choked. She's got it as bad as a typical Skyrim warrior.

(Video Link)

-via Ace of Spades HQ

Star Wars Babies: The Crib Wars

(Video Link)

Filmmaker Oscar Rene brings us Star Wars Jedi Babies - Crib Wars Episode I : The Baby Menace. While you're waiting for Episode VII to come out, you can feel the thrills of the original series as three warriors--Darth Vader, Leia Organa, and Yoda--battle for control over the one cupcake in the house. Even at a young age, the Force is strong in these three.

-via You Bent My Wookie

You Won’t Believe This Notepad Art is 2D

João A. Carvalho makes clever use of horizontal lines to convey three-dimensionality. He draws blue lines that create the impression of that you’re looking at doodles on notebook paper—doodles that look like they’re about to leap off the page.

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The Family Mausoleum in a Walmart Parking Lot

(Photo: Anita White)

In 1820, James M. Crowley moved to what is now DeKalb County, Georgia. He bought 500 acres of land before dying in 1828. His family buried him on a hillside on his own property. His descendants would later join him in what became the family cemetery.

The cemetery is still there at the insistence of the family, though it is now surrounded on all sides by a Walmart parking lot. Atlas Obscura describes his unusual mausoleum:

As time passed, the Crowley estate was slowly parceled off with the remaining portion remaining in the possession of a family relation or descendant of James Crowley. Finally in the 1960s a huge portion of the land was sold to make way for the new Avondale Mall. The only problem was that this included the hilltop family plot. However the builders agreed to leave the graves untouched and the mall construction got underway. As the ground was flattened to a straight grade to make room for a parking lot, the construction ended up shaving down around 12 feet of land, leaving the bodies at the top of the hill high and dry. However, good as their word, the Crowley Mausoleum was constructed which surrounded the burial site, essentially leaving the bodies interred on the roof. The building holds 13 graves on its flagstone covered roof. 11 of them are buried in unmarked stone box graves and two of them have headstones. From the ground, the mausoleum shows little indication of its true nature.

You can see more pictures of the graveyard at the International Black Sheep Society of Geneaologists.

-via VA Viper

Pizza-Stuffed Waffles

(Photos: Pillsbury)

Holly Lofthouse's recipe looks quite simple. She took canned biscuit dough and sliced a pocket into each biscuit. She then stuffed sliced cheese and tiny pepperoni shingles into the pocket. After sealing the pocket, she cooked them on a waffle iron for 3 minutes.

-via Messy Nessy Chic

Life-Size Katniss Everdeen and Tyrion Lannister Cakes

(Photos: Tasty Cakes)

Pictured above is enough cake to feed District 12 for a month and an imprisoned Tyrion Lannister for a year. Lara Clarke of Tasty Cakes makes life-size cakes of pop culture characters. She tells BuzzFeed that her Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) cake consists of:

. .  . about 150 eggs; 22 pounds of flour, butter, and sugar; 11 pounds of chocolate ganache; 22 pounds of modelling chocolate; and over 110 pounds of sugar.

Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) demanded a trial by combat. Perhaps a better choice would have been a trial by cooking.

-via That's Nerdalicious!

The First Marathon Sticker

(Imogen Quest/Olivia Walch)

When the Athenians smashed the Persian army at Marathon, Pheidippides ran from the field of battle to Athens to inform the people there of the joyous news. According to the legend, he died immediately afterward—but not before slapping a 26.2 sticker on the back of his chariot. Modern marathon runners have kept this tradition to honor him.

-via Tastefully Offensive

Thanksgiving Burger Is a Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner in a Bun

PYT is a restaurant in Philadelphia known worldwide for its research into the burger sciences. The geniuses in its laboratory have developed revolutionary new hamburger products, such as the cheeseburger-stuffed donut, the deep fried Twinkie burger and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich bun burger.

Since Thanksgiving is fast approaching, PYT is now offering its Thanksgiving meal burger. It has a patty made of turkey dark meat, stuffing, rosemary gravy, and cranberry sauce. Yummy!

Man Recreates Famous Celebrity Photos . . . Poorly

That's Kim Kardashian on the left and Liam Helion on the right. It's hard to tell the difference, right? That's because Helion is a master of disguise. He takes photos of celebrities and remakes them with his own exhaustive supply of costumes and makeup. 

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Seinfeld in Parliament

(Video Link)

"It's not a lie if you believe in it." That's Constanzan ethics, so the application of that principle in this video by YouTube user huw parkinson totally works.

The Australian Parliament is in session and the cast of Seinfeld works there. Watch Kramer respond to questions in the House of Representatives and Elaine wait out a tedious press conference. It's the legislature about nothing.

-via Blame It on the Voices

Choose Your Own Toaster at Tokyo's Toaster Restaurant

(Photos: Rocket News 24)

Oona McGee recently visited a unique restaurant in the Ginza district of Tokyo. It specializes in toast. Yes, you can get a variety of artisanal toasted bread and toasted sandwiches. But there's more! What sets this restaurant apart is that you get to choose which toaster is used to prepare your meal.

There are 20 vintage toasters arranged on shelves for you to choose from. As you walk in, select one and take it to your table. You can also pick of a few different sliced breads as well as a wide selection of butters--including a luxurious imported French butter. You can view more photos at Rocket News 24.

15 Fun Facts You Might Not Know about The Twilight Zone

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

Rod Serling first read these words on television in 1959. In 6 years, he changed the American television landscape and captured generations of fans. Here are a few fun facts you might not know about The Twilight Zone.

(Image of Welles from Crack in the Mirror)

1. Serling narrated for the show, first through just his voice and then on camera during the second season. Serling's first choice for that role was not himself, but Orson Welles. It never came to pass as the producers could not meet Welles’s salary demands.

2. Star Trek fans may remember William Shatner's famous role in the Twilight Zone episode "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet." In that episode, Shatner played an airline passenger who alone could see a monster on the wing, tearing the plane apart. But he also appeared in another episode. In "Nick of Time," Statner played a man who discovered a frighteningly accurate fortune telling machine.

3. Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock on Star Trek, appeared in the episode "A Quality of Mercy." He played a weary American infantryman in the Philippines in 1945.

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Snookball--A Game of Pool That You Play with Your Feet

(Photo: Snookball)

This is Snookball--a new type of pool game devised by two French entrepreneurs. It uses a giant version of the traditional pool table, except that the balls are soccer balls instead of wooden billiard balls.

You can play two or four-person games. Like in regular pool, you drive balls into the pockets using the cue ball. But instead of using a cue stick, you kick the cue ball.

There are standard games: the Game of 8 and the Game of 9. In the game of 8, the 8-ball must be driven in last. Whoever pockets the 8-ball prior to this or knocks the 8-ball out of bounds loses. In the Game of 9, players try to pocket the 9-ball as soon as possible.

(Video Link)

-via The Presurfer

Aaron Li-Hill's Explosive Paintings in Motion

Aaron Li-Hill is an artist in Brooklyn. This past weekend, he opened an exhibit of his work at the White Walls Gallery in San Francisco. Li-Hill already has a reputation as an excellent street artist. This exhibit, though, focuses on interior scenes of people bursting into action. His fencers are particularly vivid displays of his ability to convey movement in still images. 

-via Fubiz

The Scale of Planets in Our Solar System

North America compared to Mars

North America compared to Jupiter

How big are the planets in our solar system? Numerical descriptions in miles or kilometers are precise, but may be hard to grasp mentally. John Brady of Astronomy Central has helpfully provided several illustrations by placing satellite images of North America over NASA space probe photos of other planets.

Besides planets, Brady also provides images of a neutron star over northern England and Olympus Mons over North America.

-via Huffington Post

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