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That's too bad. I'm marginal on Moore, but his stuff is *far* from the cream.

If you haven't, take a look at "The Thin Blue Line" (Erroll Morris, the *king* of good docs), "Paradise Lost (1-3)", "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room", "Unraveled", "Touching the Void", "TalHotBlond"... just to name a few really good ones off the top of my head. Docs are too good to dismiss them just because of Moore's weak pandering.
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When he starts to present his thesis, after establishing the setting, the audience stops laughing. I think they suddenly realize that they are not listening to an entertaining speech, but one that drew them in with humor, and then turned it all around with a profound truth.
This is the way a good speech or story often works; by starting with a setting that the listener thinks they already understand, and then revealing the hidden parts that the listener never considered before.
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I wonder if it would have gone differently if they'd used an objectively ugly girl instead. Would these seemingly charming boys hesitate to slap a girl if it wasn't even clear that the person beside them was really a girl? I don't mean just androgynous, since that by itself can actually be quite "pretty". I mean androgynous due to severe deformity or something. It would be hard to find someone like that who'd willingly put themselves in the situation, though, so I suppose I'll never know.

Imagining myself in the boy's shoes, I think I would have reacted differently at 8-11.

Director: "Now, slap her."
Me to Director: "Do I have to really slap her or can I fake it?"
Director: "Really slap her."
Me to Director: "On the face?"
Director: "Yes."
Me to Girl: "Are you alright with this?"
Girl: "Yes."
Me to Director: "How hard?"
Director: "As hard as you can."
Me to Girl: "Are you sure about this?"
Girl: "Yes."
Me to Girl: (SLAP!)

My parents taught me that the difference between a caress and molestation, or sex and rape, or friendly fighting and abuse, is consent. For instance, if a couple boxers get in the ring and beat each other bloody, they serve no jail time, a la consent.

Of course, I probably wouldn't have asked for consent before the caress, since she's so pretty I'd want to do that anyway. I'm not exactly sure why I would assume the girl consented in the case of a caress and then double verify consent before the slap, but it might be that one will incur less of a disciplinary action than the other if done without permission. That is, if I caress a random stranger on the cheek, she may be upset, but I probably won't go to jail for it. If I slap a stranger, I might end up in jail after a court hearing. Or at 8 yo, it may be the former would mean I get a verbal reprimand at to not do that, the latter and I get severely punished (grounded for a month or w/e).
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I keep a folder at home of step-by-step instructions for myself to follow immediately upon losing employment. It has an updated resume and all of the information that would normally go a job application. The first step is that I am not allowed to go to bed that night until I have applied for a job at the local grocery store.
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