chudez's Comments

i have a daydream where i had the following dialog at a starbucks (sb)--

me: a large cappucino, please.
sb: you mean a venti?
me: uhhh, large.
sb: venti.
me: large.
sb: venti.
me: large.
sb: sir, venti means large in italian
me: no, venti means twenty in italian. i do not want to buy twenty cappucinos.
sb: .uhhh, ok. one large cappucino.

-- then the line cleared up and i swallowed the marketingspeak just to expedite my cup of java.
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one thing about the Philippine flag -- when the flag is flown with the red side up, it indicates that the nation is at a state of war. i am not aware of any other nation's flag that has this "feature".
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LangigeNaxi --

capitalization of the first character in a sentence is the correct protocol except when you're stealing office time to put in some comments into neatorama
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the reason there is a "correct" way to spell something is so that we all interpret the same abstract squiggles the same way. otherwise, people WILL spell the same word in a multitude of ways:


and different people can even use the same abstract squiggles for different words:


with that said, language just naturally evolves (or doesn't and dies out). there will be people who will stick to the "traditional" rules and there will be people who will break the rules and "innovate" and over time, a compromise is always found.
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in my humble opinion --

1. i have no legal, ethical or moral responsibility to read/watch/listen to any advertisement.

2. technology that enables me to block ads is in principle no different from me ignoring ads by other means. using the fast forward in my TiVo is no different from me going to the bathroom during commercial breaks -- they both serve my purpose of avoiding ads, albeit the technology is inherently more effective, accurate and efficient at the task
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similar problem occurred in the philippines with the PNR (Phil. National Railways) trains; i.e., hitchhikers on the train roof. PNR solved this with a sloping roof design (like a gabled roof on houses). ugly, but it worked.
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