Brody's Liked Blog Posts

That's My Captain, Jean-Luc Picard

Photo: Twitter

If you don't recognize the names and faces then the two people involved here are Sir Patrick Stewart and LeVar Burton. Stewart and Burton both played lead characters on Stark Trek: The Next Generation. Stewart was Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Burton was Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge. If you still don't recognize them by now, well then you are a lost soul. Star Trek guy with a VISOR ring a bell?

In the image above you can see that Burton retweeting a picture of Stewart getting tangled in Christmas lights. It's good to see that the actors still have a friendly rapport and that there characters still mean something to them. Star Trek geeks, rejoice!

Via The Monica Bird

Christmas Calvin

Calvin is just too smart for his own good. Who else would go after Santa Claus for labor laws and tax breaks? Maybe it is because the US just had it's big election, but I think this may be the strategy a few politicians - regardless of country or party affiliation.

Seriously, Calvin and Hobbes has got to go down in history as one of the greatest comic strips of all time. Do you agree? What others would you guys suggest?

Via Amanda Patterson

Hobbit Holes for Sale

Photo: Wooden Wonders

Would you like to own your own hobbit hole? Well guess what, now can! Through the magic that a company named Wooden-Wonders. Not only are they adorible, but they are all functional as well. You can get them as a working chicken coop, a small cottage, play house, utility building or shed, and my personal favorite- as a sauna. I mean a hobbit sauna?! Yes please.

Photo: Wooden Wonders

Link | Via Amanda Patterson

Jamón Pillow

Photo: Culismo

No, that is not a giant leg of pig, or as the Spanish call it Jamón. That is a pillow. A ham pillow. I mean I am a meat lover, but this is taking it to the next level. Only €16.90.

Link | Via Nerdalicious

Singing Pistols

Youtube Link

I won't lie to you guys, I am not a huge fan of guns. Not that I mind if other people have them, I just know if I owned one I would be the guy who shot himself in the foot or something of that nature. These guns however, I would not mind owning. I mean just the mechanical genius it took to put these things together is incredible. Not to mention the gold, pearls, diamonds, and all that.

I couldn't find confirmation, but I am pretty sure it is Christoph Waltz narrating the segment, and he is freaking awesome.  Aurel Bacs.

Link | Via Colossal

Cthulhu Christmas Tree

Photo: Cheez Burger

The end is near- Cthulhu is taking over Christmas! The thing that H.P. Lovecraft made is now a Christmas decoration in all of it's tenta-glory. What's better, this or the Dalek Christmas tree?

Via Cheez burger | Original Photo

Better Tree?

Santa Hat Cheesecake

Photo: Cooking Classy

Little known fact- Santa likes cheesecake more than cookies. Most people don't know that about the big guy. So of course Santa would love these Santa Hat White Chocolate Cheesecake Bites. They have Oreos, cream cheese, white chocolate chip, powdered sugar, fresh strawberries, and all that stuff that makes cheesecake great. Check out the full recipe here.

Photo: Cooking Classy


Chocolate Dice - D4 to D20

Photo: Think Geek

Why play Dungeons and Dragons when you can eat Dungeons and Dragons?! First the dragon cake and now edible chocolate dice! Comes in all your favorite varieties - d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and even d20! Made by Dice Candies, comes in a wide range of chocolates like milk, organic, white, and dark.

Link | Via Think Geek || Via Foodiggity

Australian PM Warns of Coming Apocalypse

Youtube Link

For those of you who don't know- that's Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. No, the audio isn't dubbed, she is actually talking about a doomsday apocalypse. She warns about the Mayans being right, zombies, and K-Pop. Pretty scary stuff Gillard.

Why is she doing this? She believes in the "End of the World" of course! Quick note, the "End of the World" is the name of a radio show which is set to air today in Australia. The hosts of the show, Tom and Alex, somehow coaxed Gillard into promoting the show.

Oh man, you got my hopes up... ..I can't be the only one who guiltily wants a zombie apocalypse, right? I mean sure there is the risk of being eaten alive, but I think beating zombie brains in looks like fun!

Link | Via PreSurfer

Paper Toys You Can Make

Photo: Brave Face Paper

Paper toys bring out the kid in all of us. They're something you can play with, yet are delicate and creative. Brave Face Paper has come out with a few paper kits to help with your own creations. There is a crab, a squid, and a dragon kit- the squid being my favorite. It's just so cute, in a weird squid-y way.

Photo: Brave Face Paper

Link | Via Super Punch

How To Make a Baby

Photo: Patrice Laroche

Patrice Laroche is here to tell us how to make a baby. It's a lot easier than I thought, it doesn't involve birds or bees! Ahh you know it's late in the day when people start throwing around corny jokes like that.

Photo: Patrice Laroche

Link | Via Modern Met

The Force is Strong: Yoda Tattoo

UV Tattoos have always seem pretty gimmicky to me, until now. Finally a use of the glow in the dark ink that actually makes sense! Done by tattoo artist Kennith Bryan of Intimate Body Art Studios. Really great work, I am sure Yoda would approve. In this case, this dedicated Star Wars fan is definitely doing and not trying.

Via Obvious Winner

Coolest Guy at the Boat Ramp

Youtube Link

The title of the video says it all - Coolest Guy At The Boat Ramp. He really is. I didn't really get it until the 1:30 mark, but it was totally worth it. It's apparently an RV Boat Combo, I would love to take a trip up to [insert generic lake name], anyone down for some tubing?

Via Picks and Flicks

Church Comprised of Half a Million Matchsticks


While Wieslaw Laszkeiwick may use a whole lot of matchsticks, I bet he wouldn't appreciate you playing with fire anywhere near his creations. Here we have just one of the matchstick structures, a replica of the Church of St. Nicholas in Zamosc, that Laszkeiwisk has built in his workshop. A workshop that has has spent over 40 years creating these magnificent buildings.

This church is about 5 feet tall and is made up of almost half a million matchsticks. Not all matches are created equally however, and one match can make a huge difference.

“Not all the matches are suitable, it depends on the manufacturer,” he says. “Some of them cannot be polished, some cannot be formed. You have to know which one to use for forming, which one to use to be polished, which one can be carved – this kind of match has to be soft, has to be from a different kind of wood. Different wood structures meet in matches; you need to know how to sort them. Because if you don’t know your matches, you can use one wrong match and then not be able to polish the whole structure because one match is wrong.”

Photo: PAP

Link | Via Oddity Central

25,000 Teddy Bears

Youtube Link

Just look at all the teddy bears! The Calgary Hitmen, a Canadian hockey team, hold a charity event for kids in need. Once a year people are invited to bring teddy bears to the stadium and throw them into the rink, this year they collected 25,000 teddy bears. It took nearly 45 minutes to clean them all up.

Link | Via Blame It On The Voices

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