Actually, they saw THREE of them...."After months of scouring remote forests in Borneo, researchers spotted three rainbow toads up a tree, snapping the first-ever photographs of this elusive amphibian species that hadn't been seen for 87 years, scientists announced today (July 13)."
Rooboy: Then you read "House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, on Wednesday blamed most of President Barack Obama's political problems on racism."
Black people in America (in general) do not WANT to be equal. They revel in their self-imposed victim status. They depend on it.
Should their victim status ever disappear, who in the world would they blame their failures on? They'd have to take personal responsibility for their lot in life (just like everyone else has to). They'd be expected to work hard and succeed without government imposed quotas.
There are outstanding black people in America who reject the victim Herman Cain who has just announced his run for president. But, most black men are more likely to play the victim than run the race.
On the one hand, not hiring someone because they don't have a job is putting people laid off to no fault of their own in a catch 22. They need a job to pay the bills, but they can't get a job because they don't have a job.
On the other hand, the people that usually get fired first are the one least prized by their organizations. And, since all employers look for the best talent at the lowest price, they want to pick from those working, thinking them to be more valuable than those not working.
Beating out both of these is the U.S. will not hire anyone who owes back taxes. Why not? Then you know they are working and you can even garnish their wages if need be. Don't hire them and they may never be able to pay their back taxes.
Just wondering why....
They were all happy and everything...then they went and hosed it up with marriage.
Oh well...
Black people in America (in general) do not WANT to be equal. They revel in their self-imposed victim status. They depend on it.
Should their victim status ever disappear, who in the world would they blame their failures on? They'd have to take personal responsibility for their lot in life (just like everyone else has to). They'd be expected to work hard and succeed without government imposed quotas.
There are outstanding black people in America who reject the victim Herman Cain who has just announced his run for president. But, most black men are more likely to play the victim than run the race.
Read more:
On the other hand, the people that usually get fired first are the one least prized by their organizations. And, since all employers look for the best talent at the lowest price, they want to pick from those working, thinking them to be more valuable than those not working.
Beating out both of these is the U.S. will not hire anyone who owes back taxes. Why not? Then you know they are working and you can even garnish their wages if need be. Don't hire them and they may never be able to pay their back taxes.
Real smart Uncle Sam....