Miiike's Comments

Sure it looks cool, but what chef would want all those little holes and indents on their knife? It looks like it would hold whatever you've chopped (like raw meat) in those pits. Cleaning it would be a real pain too.

Or am I just not hip enough to know that it is not really supposed to be used? Maybe it's just for display purposes?
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@Max Power- yes, heroin can be consumed orally, sometimes when you think you're taking ecstasy. My comments re what heroin can do to you are based more on observation than experience though.

@032125- That essay sounds straightforward and accurate. In my experience though, stronger versions of the same drugs don't always get you higher; you get just as high but don't have to take as much.

Of course you will hear of people who want to get as wasted as possible every time, and others who take massive amounts of drugs to no ill effect. Exceptions abound.
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For better or worse, I have tried both. I have also worked for a time on Vancouver's skid row. In my experience, a crack jones (comedown) will make you absolutely screaming, freaking-out, rob an old lady, crawl around with a toothpick digging for the tiny crumb of rock that you just know has to be imbeded in the sidewalk crack frantic, whereas heroin will have you crawling into a ball of misery, your pus filled scabby eyes sobbing into your filthy clothes and open sores as you lie on the sidewalk and pray for death.

BTW I never intentionally tried heroin. It was slipped into something else I took at a sketchy nightclub. And if anyone thinks I'm being over dramatic, just head on down to Hastings and Main. You'll have to sidestep the people shooting heroin in broad daylight and the women who used to be pretty trying to sell you their bodies for 10 dollars (or less), but you'll soon see... drugs ain't like they are in the movies.
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Hate to be a buzzkill, but part of what makes a helmet work is a hard, smooth outer shell that slides when it hits the pavement. Anything that causes the least bit of grab can twist your head and neck on impact.
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Must be a publicity stunt- I can't imagine people being too happy about having advertisements pressed onto their skin. I'd be quite p***ed if that happened to me or someone I care about.
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Anyone with a library card and a few hundred bucks could build a comfortable abode to sleep in. The real problem is finding a place to put it. Japanese society seems to respect small shelters for the homeless:



I don't think this concept would be successful in the West though.
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'Vegetable' is a culinary term, not a scientific one. When people ask if a tomato is a fruit or vegetable, it's like asking if salt is a nutrient or a seasoning.
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