thedistractor's Comments

The University of Alabama Law School has done this for many years. During their Law Week in the spring, they have a 5k Race to the Courthouse, where the runners chase an ambulance from the law school to the Federal Courthouse downtown. Hilarious tradition.
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@Law Dork: Nope, it works even against RAP. The trust was built using the class of his grandchildren as the limited pool for the life-in-being, so the life in being is the last survivor.

These trusts aren't that uncommon. I know that my great-grandfather did one just like this.
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When I think of an open-faced sandwich, I think of each a fresh tomato from my mom's garden, thickly sliced and put on whole wheat bread with a layer of homemade mayonnaise, or a cucumber and cream cheese sandwich. But then again, that's just me.
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Skipweasel -- Although it would be really cool to see, I don't know how anyone could create a recognizable image out of the natural scatter of bird shot. I assume that you're referring to bird shot.

On a completely unrelated side note, I think I've dated this guy's cousin. (I live in Alabama, so it could happen.)
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GailW, it says that the complaint was dismissed by the judge. I have a feeling that the motion to dismiss was filed long before the case made it to court. Judges don't like cases like this anymore than regular joes like use do.
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My grandmother and her brother had a pet skunk growing up. They did take out the spray glands. She told me the skunk acting a lot like a cat. Aloof but sometimes affectionate.
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The daffodil scene was filmed down the street from where I live in Montgomery, AL. Ewan McGregor also lived in my neighborhood during filming. It was our small town's brush with fame.
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Billy Bob Thornton's fear of antique furniture was written into Bandits, not Sling Blade. It's the scene where he and Cate Blanchett lists their phobias to each other.

(my movie nerd just reared its ugly head, sorry)
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