Diogenes 2's Comments

I was strolling with a friend of mine, many years ago in New Orleans at night, along the Mississippi River ...And as we were taking and walking, when he suddenly announced "This is how they urinate in California" To tell the truth, I was impressed. This is not peeing in front of one's self but to the side....while walking! Isn't as easy as you would think. I had sence tried and it takes , not only a full bladder, but good coordination too! The guy in the photo doesnt look like he gives a crap, and I would say that he gives the art of walking and peeing a bad name.
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I saw him on stage in Nashville, TN when I was young and still growing (and still soft impressionable clay). It must have been the third row center where I sat.
Although his word voice was silent, I recall M.M.'s animal-like puff blasts that released in his breathing as he contorted through each "skit".
By my being so close, what I see in my remembering thoughts is the excersion that his body ( He was still considered simi-old then ((mid or late 60's)) twisted about and the facial expression to project outward, far past where I viewed him.
The director/comicbook writer/tarot card expert/ early student of MM,..... Mr. A. Jordowowsky(sp?), I only found out latter, wrote my more memorable bits that M.M. had preformed that night. A life lived has many veiled connections that continue until the end.
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And well, thats a great one Bertrand (part of our lives"), but I just gotta say on this evening of the 23rd, as I watched the end of "Family Guy"'s version of "Star Wars", that this may well be one of the top masterpieces of the 21st century, as far as the uroboros regurgitates it's tail is concerned.
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yeh righto. By the looks of him, he seems to have not slept for what? ..ever?
TRUE STORY: I actually once discovered a burglar (boy oh boy- is that word getting to sound old fashion or what?!) one morning fast asleep in the downstairs living room on a "lazyboy" style chair. I gathered some friends next door and had them bring over sticks or pipes or whatever and (no its not what you think) I approached the guy with my own broom stick while my "friends" stayed further away. I made the motion and it began. Banging the walls and yelling and I banged the chair that the guy was still sleeping in. His eyes popped open and nearly popped out of his head. We ushered him outside. A steak knife from the kitchen was in his back pocket of which I grabed before he knew what was what. When outside and surrounded by us, he became very sorry and I felt pity, as he was obviously some homeless guy who had found the basement door opened the night before and wandered inside and upstairs and fell asleep. We let him go and he thanked us. A sad but true story.
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I am sorry to break it to you all, but these have been nothing but silly attemps at guessing.
The truth is that this device was made and used by the quakers, back in the day. What we have here is a pooper scooper with circular viewing guard. Its that simple!
The contest is over. I won.
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yeh but these yogis have a history that goes back before this was ever considered overated as a gimmick. Mind over matter, or years of study that concentrates on the living flesh and the powers that be inward/outward/and beyond. withstanding what is thought of a challange outside the normal aspects of day to ay life...then again It all may be a variation of the early circus in order to gather coins along the path that help continue the journey. The other thing I think about with these sort of things...is where along the way in this guy's study did he realize that it was his eyelid(s?) as aposed to any other body part, that would serve him best?
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yeh man, but I would so love for this to be the way fast food joints advertise for big budget movies by having one of a kind inovations of the imagination, other than crappy choke toys for kids and plastic cups . Thanks alot Lucas!
aside from my curled lip blabber, This is one hella awesome work
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boy oh boy, this reminds me of my chubby years in junior high school when I decided to get a perm...what can I say, I was a boy in the eighties with straight hair and somethin about me spelled out "different". ahhh the eighties...ahhh cute wooly pigs.
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mikey likes it. forever and ever and ever.

to Nicholas Anderson: I am sincere in saying that choking hazards are for real and I fear them... yes yes and woe to those afflicted by esophagus disruptions , but damn! thats one funny lifesaver story.. still none the less(I wonder if ths hole is how they got their name in lab tests?).
I have had similiar problems with ice cubes.
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I have seen this before and I call it my little underpaid illegal immigrant...because I am like a movie star cliche and need my damn pick me up without the silly unbecomming effort.
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man! and to think all these years I had been hiding my work drinks in my stomach and unexpected slurry outbursts I blamed on a rare hereditary disease. Co-workers thought they liked me for my excentric behaviors which added variety to their boring ass jobs, but it truth I was secretly smashed!.
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Sure it's a marvel that someone of his age can still make it happen, but it's self centered machismo that is the boast of a continual overpopulated planet, let alone India!
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