I can't speak to any disney picture books, but as they are spun off of the disney movie, I think we can safely say the disney movie is the authority as to what the conditions are. Watch the movie again and pay careful attention to the intro.
WRONG. The rose doesn't go until his 21st birthday, it goes until his 21st year. Obviously he was not 11 when he was transformed - please note the portrait he tears up and Belle subsequently finds. It's how he looks at the end of the movie, not a child. While a beast his human form has not aged. As for the "10 years we've been rusting" line, the most likely explanation is that the castle has only been essentially abandoned for 10 years. The castle would have been full of people when the enchantress came by, even though there was a beast it would have taken years for people to stop coming. Odds are some knew about the curse and his need to find love and even brought prospects for him (likely in hopes of political gain or money) and thereby the servants had something to do. People to take care of. Until they stopped 10 years ago.
If you're looking for a "weekly world enquirer" style crazy story, this is fun. But c'mon, if you're going to pretend to have a never release beatles tape at least make the music sound like something the beatles could have made.
As someone who works for an organic produce retailer just wanted to point out that even after organic produce reaches the store it must remain 100% separate from conventional items. Different sides of the cooler, different pallets. And on the shelf they cannot touch, they're usually on entirely different display or divided by plastic barriers. If an organic item touches a conventional one it can no longer be sold as organic. We've been known to peel off the produce stickers from OG lemons that fall onto CV apples and sell them with the CV lemons to lessen the loss.
Crazy Horse Memorial in the black hills has Mt. Rushmore beat HANDS DOWN. Rushmore = lame! it's just like looking at a postcard. Crazy horse is a lot more inspiring, informative, and just better art
in Star Trek TNG there's an episode where Beverly Crusher defends a ferengi scientist. He is nothing more than a scientist who lacks respect in an intergalactic cut throat universe. And as someone else mentioned, there was that episode with the lone borg who kinda had a personality.
while maybe somethings are broadly painted, if you take a decent look you'll find depth and variety in - i'm willing to wager - any sci-fi with a strong fan base. The fans don't go for one note worlds.
while maybe somethings are broadly painted, if you take a decent look you'll find depth and variety in - i'm willing to wager - any sci-fi with a strong fan base. The fans don't go for one note worlds.