TimO's Comments

Mystery illness = nice way of not having to say she has an eating disorder.....

It's a shame that most of these kids and their parents lie to themselves to keep from getting the help they need. Too many young girls die that way.
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I love it when MORONS move under an airport approach and then complain.

We had a situation here in our town where an airport that's been operating for >SIXTY YEARS< came under fire from a rabid group for 'noise complaints'. Well, it turned out there was a developer that was drooling at the possibility of turning the airport into $40million worth of condos. (Hmmm... think there was any collusion there???)

FAA finally told 'em to go pound sand, bought out the complainers homes and built parks.
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Allegory or animators with latent pre-serialkiller tendencies???

Typical of the attitude of the Internet generation unfortunately..... perhaps they should consider some therapy.
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So sad that these women feel that they CANT walk down the street without their faces being covered.

Feel like you're a target???? Lady, you ARE a target!!

Cure the disease, not the symptom....
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Do the seven cans of Red Bull come with a defibulator to get your heart started again?

My God, I can't wait for the generation that chugs this stuff to start launching massive consumer lawsuits against these 'energy drink' manufacturers (that is if they live long enough...)
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I really really hate ads disguised as 'viral videos'.

The studios and companies just end up looking stupid when it comes out that the vids are marketing campaigns...
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He should never have posted that photo... Several years ago Disney and their teams of high-priced goon lawyers came down here to South Florida and sued the pants off of every day-care center they could find with any Disney characters up on the walls.

....Lost all respect for them...
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Then again there's column "C"....

If man was truly able to change the climate then we should be able to modify it to suit our tastes and correct any problems. The little problem with that is that we cant even figure out how to make it rain or change the course of a Katrina or even forecast the weather more than a few days ahead, let alone actually DO something.

....where's your weather control stations kiddies????
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When a company like this puts a product OUT THE DOOR and turns over samples to be independently tested, then believe it. Until then, news sites should STFU and not encourage scammers to take investors money and run.

(I once worked at a brokerage who had a 'physicist' tell them he could produce a D-Cell-sized battery filled with nuclear waste that would power an entire home. When I showed them how impossible that was with a few simple equations they were SHOCKED that anyone would try to scam their investors.....)
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Here's where they got the ideal for those "Mars Space Helmets":

1969 Ideal Company Space Helmet

I remembered instantly seeing them before - and I think several REALLY cheap sci-fi movies used them too....
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After the big bro-ha-ha over the photos of the "Face On Mars", you'd think they'd begin to understand that:

People are hardwired to see PATTERNS even where they DON'T exist....
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