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Woman Asks Coworker To Watch Her Plant For Four Days, Hilarity Ensues

You might not trust a coworker to watch your kids, your pets or your house while you go on vacation for four days, but what could possibly go wrong when you ask a coworker to watch your plant?

According to these photos taken by the plantsitter in question, known as CreaminFreeman on the Reddits, your plant's life might be in danger if you leave their leafy little lives in the hands of a coworker:

But there also might be some grand adventures awaiting your green pal while you're away:

And at the end of your four day foray you might come back to work and discover your plant has been promoted, since it's now better at your job than you are!

See more hilarious images from one man's adventure in plantsitting here

The Submarine That Sank a Train: The Extraordinary Raid of the USS Barb

The USS Barb was a Gato-class submarine operated by the United States in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Under the leadership of Commander Eugene B. Fluckey, who would be awarded a Medal of Honor and 4 Navy Crosses for his exploits, the crew of the Barb devastated Japanese shipping during its patrols. The book Medal of Honor describes one of those incredible feats:

Early in 1945, the Barb was moving along the China coast, looking for targets of opportunity. On January 8, it sank a large Japanese ammunition ship it had been stalking for hours. Believing a larger group of enemy ships was in the area, by January 25, Fluckey had located this “mother lode,” as he called it: a convoy of more than thirty Japanese ships anchored in Mamkwan Harbor. The harbor was shallow and heavily mined, with threatening rock formations. It was clear that if the Barb got close to attack, it would require a nearly impossible run at full speed through uncharted mine- and rock-obstructed waters to make a successful escape. Fluckey immediately ordered an attack anyway.

He managed to penetrate the perimeter of frigates designed to protect the anchored ships from submarines. In water of only thirty feet deep, he maneuvered to within range and launched four torpedoes from the forward tubes, then fired four more from the rear tubes. After watching eight direct hits on six main targets—including another ammunition ship whose explosion damaged craft all around it—he turned the Barb around and headed for open sea. With Japanese shells hitting all around it, the Barb had to stay on the surface for almost an hour before reaching waters deep enough to dive.

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My Biggest Insecurity: Loose Skin

(YouTube link)

At one time, John weighed 360 pounds. But with hard work and determination, he slimmed down to the buff guy he is now. He wants you to know that his body is not perfect despite the weight loss and fit muscles: losing an enormous amount of weight will leave you with loose skin. John is insecure about it, but confronts that insecurity by showing us what his skin looks like. He does a good job of camouflaging it while dressed, and the tradeoff in health is well worth it. See more of John at Instagram. -via Viral Viral Videos

The Scale of Planets in Our Solar System

North America compared to Mars

North America compared to Jupiter

How big are the planets in our solar system? Numerical descriptions in miles or kilometers are precise, but may be hard to grasp mentally. John Brady of Astronomy Central has helpfully provided several illustrations by placing satellite images of North America over NASA space probe photos of other planets.

Besides planets, Brady also provides images of a neutron star over northern England and Olympus Mons over North America.

-via Huffington Post

Horse Brought to Hospital to Say Goodbye to Dying Owner

(Photo: Andrew Foster)

Sheila Marsh, 77, had terminal cancer. It seemed that her fate would be to die in a hospital, separated from the animals that she loved so dearly. Marsh had 6 horses, 3 dogs, 3 cats, as well as other animal friends.

Among them all, she loved her horse Bronwen the most. She had raised the now 25-year old mare since she had been a foal. Marsh could not bear the thought of departing this life without saying goodbye to her one last time. So the hospital staff wheeled her outside the hospital, where Bronwen had been brought. The Guardian describes the scene:

Gail Taylor, a bereavement liaison specialist nurse, said: “The nursing staff wheeled Sheila down the corridor in her bed to the entrance.

“Bronwen walked steadily towards Sheila and she gently called to Bronwen and the horse bent down tenderly and kissed her on the cheek as they said their last goodbyes.”

-via Daily Telegraph

Monty the Penguin

(YouTube link)

The annual heartwarming Christmas ad from John Lewis, a British department store, is here. This one features a little boy and his best friend, a penguin named Monty. The upside is that this is a cute story. The downside is that the Christmas shopping season has apparently begun already, and we are barely into November.  -via Viral Viral Videos

See John Lewis Christmas ads from 2012 and 2013

Acme Foundry Wants to Thank Street Artist

The Acme Foundry Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been in business over 100 years, but it was only this week that a graffiti artist gave them the appropriate art for their entry. On Monday morning, employees arrived to find someone had mounted cardboard cutouts of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner to the building. The company produces iron pieces, which may possibly include anvils.

Business manager Monica Sweeney said Acme's employees all found it to be very humorous. In fact, they have thought about adding a roadrunner and coyote to their building for years, but a mystery artist beat them to it.

“We see and appreciate the humor,” Acme said in an email to Fox 9. “It is the best graffiti that anyone has ever done to our building.”

Acme plans to leave the cutouts up as long as they will last. They would also like to meet the artist, and to enlist their help in designing an iron version of the characters. -via Consumerist

(Image credit: ACME Foundry)

Buster the Raccoon Has a Bed and Blankies, and He's Not Leaving Them

YouTube Link

Buster the raccoon is a tad pampered. He lays in bed under comfy, warm covers on a cold morning, his humans already up and about. They attempt to coax Buster out of bed, but he's no dummy. Why jump out of bed when a raccoon can linger and cover his face with his paws occasionally to block out needless human lights and noise? Who knows, a bribe of treats could come next. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Skeletor's Best Insults

(YouTube link)

The master trash-talker of the 1980s wasn’t a sports figure or even a politician -it was Skeletor, the eternal antagonist of He-Man and the Master of the Universe! DreamWorks TV put together a supercut of the vilest and goofiest insults he hurled at his minions and enemies alike. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Baby Rewarded for Her First Crawl

YouTube Link

According to daddy Don Swift, he was shooting video of his baby learning to crawl when his black Labrador retriever gave her an extra reward for her efforts. A double shot of cute in case your morning was lacking. -Via Viral Viral Videos

Lobster Diving

(YouTube link)

I never knew lobster diving was a thing. It’s a bit like noodling -you catch them with your hands! Rick Coleman is an experienced lobster diver, but his wife Susie had never done it before. In this video, she gets a lesson in how quick and slippery lobsters are -after all, they’ve lived in the ocean their entire lives! And I see now why commercial fishermen use traps. The sound effects make it even goofier. Don’t feel bad, Susie, like I tell my kids, anything is hard if you’ve never done it before. -via Daily Picks and Flicks

Viking Longboat Conference Table for Pillaging Planning

Any company that has this conference table is the type of company that I want to work for. Meetings in such a room would inspire the same type of aggressive business strategy that carried Norse raiders from Newfoundland to the Caspian Sea. Draw your sword and cut the competition to shreds!

This is a 3-dimensional rendering of a table design by Wildetecture, an architecture and furniture design firm in South Africa.

-via Geekologie

P.S. Yes, I know that the chairs look horribly uncomfortable. Meetings will be short so that we can get back to raiding. On this ship, we don't have meetings for the sake of meetings.

The Language of Lying

YouTube Link

This TED-Ed video estimates that we each hear 10-200 lies in a single day. Whether it's a trivial topic or something serious and consequential, there are common ways in which people tend to lie. Liars frequently form their sentences similarly, act in a certain way overall and other telling characteristics. Perhaps by learning as much as we can about the language of lying, we can better navigate the labyrinth of untruths we all face.

This Tree Looks Like a Dragon's Head

Here be dragons!

Or rather, on the south side of Rabat, Morocco, there's a dragon growing out of the ground. Redditor seiteta snapped this photo of a tree that is growing just the right way to inspire a fantasy novel.

-via Geek Tyrant

Inside a 27-Second Barrel Wave

(Video Link)

Professional surfer Koa Smith recently won a GoPro camera contest by recording an amazing ride in Skeleton Bay in Namibia. He was in a smooth, elegant barrel wave for a full 27 seconds. I suggest starting at the 1:00 mark, where the footage becomes hypnotic if not dizzying. He appears to float through a tube of air that stretches across a world of water.

-via Twisted Sifter

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