sparge's Comments

I like to try and see issues like this from both sides of it. But in this case I can't come up with a single reason why the girls should have been kicked out but not the boys. The bikini would have been against my school's dress code, but so also would shirtless males have been in violation.

I'm guessing that the school will implement a no-shirt, no-admittance rule for both genders as a result of the backlash from this incident.
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I'm not so sure that's the worst case scenario. After all, gravitation scales inversely with the square of distance, and in the center of the earth, you are closer on average to all parts of the globe than standing on its surface.

Still, I agree that it probably wouldn't be enough to overcome the cohesive forces holding your body together.
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Although it can be a bit chunky
And certainly smells rather funky
It's no Kobe beef
But it brings me relief
That the stuff is called SPAM and not SPONKEY
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and Zoomquilt did make sense?

I have Zoomquilt 2 as my screensaver, and my office mates complain that it makes them unproductive because they just keep staring at it...
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Saying that he'll go to jail for 30 years for stealing a donut is misleading. Sure, the crime that he's charged with has a maximum penalty of 30 years, but is the judge really going to go for the maximum penalty in this case? Of course not. That should be reserved for, I don't know, choking someone while stealing diamonds.
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What else do you expect when police forces have nothing better to do than use mature-looking yet underage bait as a sting to bust businesses for selling alcohol or tobacco to minors?

Result: stores now have blanket policies requiring proof of ID. It's kind of sad, but you'd think by age 72 a person would have a thick enough skin to deal with something so minor.
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This is why pigeons seem to leave it until the very last second to fly out of the way of an oncoming car: it appears much less fast to them.

I doubt that's the reason. People and animals has an innate and instinctual sense of physics and calculus (that's why you can do things like catch an object thrown at you, even if you don't consciously understand the math of an object in flight). Having more frames per second isn't going to make something appear to be going at a different velocity. If it did, pigeons would be very uncoordinated, because their sense of physics would be off.

Probably it has to do with the fact that more frames per second = more information = a better sense of exactly how fast the car is going and how long until the pigeon needs to fly away.
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I don't think it misfits with the idea of Threadless so much as it doesn't fit in with the idea of Neatorama. I feel sort of the same as if you had posted a link to a presidential candidate and told me to vote for them.

On your own blog, that's perfectly acceptable. Here, items are offered up (for the most part) without bias, for the reader to take as they like.
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It's a decent design and all, but the way the post is presented makes it feel like shameless promotion rather than showcasing a neat design. I mean, the only accompanying text is a command to vote for the design.
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