brett 8's Comments

This is a really poor post. These are not facts; they are opinions. The US played a part in Hitler's rise to power? No wars have been fought to help victims of oppression? Those are not facts - they are opinions, and poorly sourced ones at that. I'm disappointed in this post -- this author should be removed.
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Call me a Grinch, but I really don't get these kinds of things. Wouldn't you be doing a heck of a lot more good giving money to someone who actually needs it, rather than a random restaurant-goer? I wouldn't want someone else paying for my meal - it would make me feel guilty.
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This doesn't make sense. Bullets only travel forward because of the compression of gas behind them in the barrel of a gun. Without a barrel, there is no pressure and no reason for the bullet to move aside from the slight force exerted by the gases expanding in open air. Doesn't seem like that force would be anywhere near enough to injure someone.
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It's vandalism, pure and simple. If you have something to say, rent your own space to say it. better yet, get a blog for free and say it there. It's not necessary to deface someone else's property to make your point.

Oh, and AJ, give it up. You don't own an iPod, that's fine - but there's nothing wrong with owning one. No need to be smug about it. Personally, I enjoy listening to music. You're just Area Man Constantly Mentioning He Doesn't Own A Television:
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Obviously, she's right -- once something is built, it should never be changed in any way to allow for something new. Because everyone has the right to insist that everything they've ever seen be exactly as it always was -- in case they forget what it looked like.

Please. You grew up there - so you have memories, right? What does it matter if it still looks like that? This isn't some UN world heritage site - it was a crappy suburban subdivision in Missouri. Get over yourself.
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