Slea's Comments

"ha! now we’re talking about some serious sexism. Or or, what about ladies night at bars? I guess those have to go too."

Yeah, because sexist ladies' nights at clubs meant to draw in women so they can be ogled at by any given bar's unbalanced male population is *totally* a feminist scene.

I knew I shouldn't have clicked on the comments for this one.

And just so you know, some feminists are pushing for selective service registration, but I'm personally against that as long as *women are still restricted in how they can serve in the military*!

I don't think it's time for Selective Service until women are actual of equal status and can serve on front lines.
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I always think of that episode of King of the Hill where his family is sneaking behind is back and grilling with charcoal because it tastes so much better.

Seriously, get a coal chimney. It makes charcoal grilling so effortless and then you will wonder why you ever had a tasteless gas grill.
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Well, the spoon isn't practical for dining, and I'm betting that cherry doesn't taste so good, so I'd have to guess that it's art. It certainly isn't a functional object.
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I could see it *maybe* with some creative use of PEX. But only maybe.

I'm still confused about power generation. How can the power it takes to rotate a floor not offset any gains made by the rotation?
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It is very frustrating that you posted this:

"The article said nothing of a male donor of sperm. Nor did they explain how a female who had undergone a sex change managed to have an embryo implanted in her uterus, via the plumbing of her brand new penis."

You specifically referenced the article, yet clearly did not actually read the article. All those points were, in fact, addressed.

And, yes, they are, genetically speaking, both female. A fact they are clearly aware of. Hence the frequent references to "transgender" and "transman."
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While I'm moderately bothered by the word chubby, I'm even more bothered by the apostrophe before the word teen. Why is it there? It isn't short for anything! (Well, arguably, it could be short for teenager, but then the apostrophe would occur after the word, not before it.) Baffling.
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There's a lot of crossover between the two (BoingBoing and Neatorama), but each is unique enough that I have both on my reader and wouldn't miss either! :) Yeah, Neatorama is a more "fun" BoingBoing.
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One of the advantages to my, apparently old-fashioned, umbrella is that it not only keeps rain off my head but also off THE ENTIRE REST OF MY BODY!

Okay, not like, the last few inches of my pants, or my shoes, but close enough.

In the end, it just comes off as a less-efficient, and (surprisingly) even sillier-looking version of the "umbrella hat."
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"Wait, wait, so the owner copped to having the obscene item in the computer system!"

Not likely; I'm sure it was something the waiter entered by hand, probably more for the amusement of the kitchen staff than anything else.

But this is why monkeying around can be dangerous!
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I've always had a problem with Uncle John's Bathroom readers...

In addition to the problems mentioned about the Bridge over the river Kwai, there is the problem that Count Laszlo was never a Soviet spy, that The Sting was only ever supposed to be loosely based on the life of the brothers Fred and Charley Gondorf, that the makers of Saturday Night Fever based their film on an expose they believed to be true at the time (and, again, since a report cannot equal the amount of info in a film, SNF was probably only intended to follow the gist of Nik Cohn's article), and that no one has ever confirmed that Indiana Jones is based on Giovanni Belzoni.I

n fact, why would one assume that the fedora-wearing 20th century archaeologist was based on an 18th to 19th century inventor/performer/archaeologist born in Italy? The only thing they seem to have in common is archeology.
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