nutbastard's Comments

I am a master of cat petting and massage. It comes from years of practice, a high level of empathy, and always having mellow cats around.

Most people don't know how to properly pet a cat. No finesse, no dynamic feedback loop. I suspect these people are probably not great in bed, either. There's nothing sexual about petting a cat, but the parallel between being able to interpret responses to physical stimulation and adjust accordingly is there.

You have to imagine that you are the cat, and remember that what feels nice to a human is pretty much what feels nice to cats, the spine, neck, and shoulders being the obvious areas. Also, remember that less is more! A slow, light touch is almost always better than an aggressive one.

Ok, that's all, and yes i realize I sound like some sort of cat molesting pervert.
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while i drink PBR daily (which *obviously* didn't make the list) I prefer beers through which a solar eclipse may be safely viewed.

there is a point where a beer gets too dark and ends up being like syrupy watered down malt, though porters seem to be able to go darker than stouts without suffering this.

to those who hate IPA's: it's an acquired taste. i remember as a kid drinking sierra nevada and thinking it tasted like rubber bands. now i drink the torpedo and love it (though the tumbler has recently dominated my purchases)

best beers: black butte porter, road dog porter, tumbler brown, rogue hazelnut brown ale, torpedo ipa, sam adams, and my guilty pleasure, youngs double chocolate stout.

worst beer: anything by miller.
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it's potentially ~150 watts (5v@1000mA*30) so i don't see why not, though probably it's only pulling 500mA per port, so 75 watts, but hey an easy bake oven does it with 40.
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"best commenting i've ever seen on this site"

and about to get better. i'm bringing over a select group of commentariat i've been commenting with for years, due to the encrapification of our former hangout.
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"lots of surface area (to cool the drink quickly) and little volume (to avoid diluting the drink)."

the cooling is still dependent on the volume, so the amount of dilution required to reach a given temperature is always the same regardless of the surface area of the ice (ignoring the minute amount of warming that would occur due to ambient temperature difference over a longer period of time caused by lower surface area)

lots of surface area alone is the way to go. and i imagine it'd be easier to gag on a spherical ice ball than a cube (though cubes quickly become rather spherical due to the increased surface area per volume at the corners)
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we've got one of each at my house.

interestingly enough, intelligence seems to correlate to happiness in dogs, while the opposite is generally true of humans. i think this is because intelligence in dogs equates to a better mastery of their environment, while intelligence in humans leads to comprehension of just how little control we have over ours.
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This is when I start asking my deal-breaker questions.

"So, how do you feel about the Constitutionality of healthcare mandates from the Federal level?"

"You drive manual or auto?"

"Firefly: A great show, or the greatest show? (Explain)"

"How do you feel about the implications of unexplained proton emissions during sonoluminescence?"
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