EndorphinAnnie's Comments

IMO the glass at this beach was smooth enough to walk around barefooted. I kept watching for broken pieces but didn't really see any shards. And there were TONS of families with kids there... :D
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Awww, my heart is in Fort Bragg. I love Glass Beach, the bike ride to MacKerricher and back, Cowlick's ice cream shop for Mushroom ice cream (tastes like maple, yum!) and Triangle Tattoo Museum for it's odd and beautiful collection.
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I think those squealing women slapping that poor bat around with their newspapers should be receive the exact same treatment from an angry silverback gorilla with a rolled up Cosmopilitan magazine so they can see what it feels like to be attacked by something way larger and way stronger than they for no reason other than cohabitating the same area.
Wonder why it didn't get found? It probably crawled somewhere to die, poor thing.
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This is just plain ridiculous and unbelievable, If I were on ANY other website I'd just assume it was an Onion article. Negligence? Even on the parent's part? It's a FOUR YEAR OLD! Four year olds have accidents, even when they are listening to their parents. What sick, sad people to sue a child.
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This blows my mind... not only because the vid is amazing, but that this is my roommate's band. To see their music here, on my favorite website, makes me super happy!
Way to go guys!
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"It would allow disabled people to get through, and spray everyone else with water."

Let us define people as the people they are, not by their disabilities.

"It would allow people with disabilities to get through, and spray everyone else with water."

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Can I even begin to say how amazing Earth's Capital, Oakland, CA is?
Cheaper than SF, but only 15 minutes away, and every culture and race and type of food and college and music scene is literally at your disposal, even without a car.
And it's bike-friendly.
I hella love Oakland.
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That kid is absolutely adorable, and so what if he isn't a Gerber baby or a Shirley Temple. It was entertaining and he and his family have a video that will make them smile for years. To me, that makes it 'effin rad!
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I've been looking at this site for a while now, but havn't ever been compelled to comment before, until now.

I've seen some strange, bizarre, freaky, nasty, very eff'd up things on the internets, but Holy Mother of All Things Good, I have never been so thoroughly disturbed in my life- that was worse even than the bowels of 4-chan! EEK!
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