Booga's Comments

Some old tales had things like magic mirrors that could see other locations as well as mirrors that could be used as two way communication devices
Think of the magic mirror from Snow White from the 1800's that could answer questions and "never lies." Some tales depicted it as a hand held mirror.

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I haven't bought toilet paper since January. The Costco size package lasts 6-7 months here. The only reason anyone was using any more toilet paper was because they were at home instead of work or a restaurant/mall/store. At worst you could need double the amount normally used for some households.
What we got was people buying enough to last them until 2023.
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OK, so I tried four different web browsers and this GIF has a horrible flashing glitch in every single one of them.
Is it possible to turn off animated GIFs on the main page?
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TikTok is Chinese spyware, just like Facebook is American spyware. The difference being pretty much just which government you trust more.
If you've seen what has been going on in Hong Kong, you'd avoid it or dump it.
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As an American, I think we should just switch. It would be annoying, but everyone would adjust in 15-20 years, maybe less. We could stop wasting all the time and effort converting units back and forth. It's long overdue.
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...'imagining' features such as fine lines, eyelashes and stubble that weren't there in the first place.

Sounds like the word should be "fabricate."
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I've given up on Google. They recommend Youtube videos WAY too often and I'm not going to sit through ten minutes of video to find out they never even address what's in the title of the video, much less what I was actually searching for.

That, and they keep including pages that don't have the words I'm looking for and DO have words I told them to exclude. They index a lot of stuff, but it's is nearly impossible to get good results these days.
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My golden almost always threw up after eating grass. She would only eat grass when she already had an upset stomach, so I guess it was something she would do to induce vomiting.
However, my rottweiler never ate grass and the lab seemed to do it at random for no reason at all and never threw up. The current lab mix seems to do it on an upset stomach, but never throws up.
I'm sure there's a trend in there, but it seems to be more of an individual dog thing.
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If you have Netflix and don't mind a bloody anime style series, Castlevania is top notch.
Also, Samurai Champloo's baseball episode was hilarious!
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