The First Animals To Be Domesticated Were Dogs, Study Finds

A study of dog DNA has found out that dogs were domesticated some 11,000 years ago, confirming that they were the first animals to be domesticated before any other known species. This would mean that the friendship of humans and dogs is time-tested, and dogs are worthy of the title “man’s best friend”.

Dr Pontus Skoglund, co-author of the study and group leader of the Ancient Genomics laboratory at London's Crick Institute, told BBC News: "Dogs are really unique in being this quite strange thing if you think about it, when all people were still hunter gatherers, they domesticate what is really a wild carnivore - wolves are pretty frightening in many parts of the world.
"The question of why did people do that? How did that come about? That's what we're ultimately interested in."

Learn more about the study over at BBC.

(Image Credit: pixel2013/ Pixabay)

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