32 Insane Stadium Foods

(Photo: Battle Creek Bombers)

In the highly competitive sport of stadium food, sports concession stands are constantly trying to outdo each other by producing wonderfully ridiculous food-like products. Ideally, stadium food is highly fattening, packed with sugar, and is simultaneously delicious and disgusting. This motive is why the Battle Creek Bombers, a college baseball team in Michigan, invented the Twinkie dog. It’s a hot dog set inside a split Twinkie, then covered with appropriate toppings, such as ketchup, whipped cream, and sprinkles.

This is 1 of 32 preposterous foods sold at sports stadiums across America. You can view the rest at 22 Words.

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Okay, that's strange. By coincidence I watched Weird Al's 1989 movie, "UHF" just today, and in one scene Weird Al's character makes that exact thing, so I'm sorry to say the Battle Creek Bombers are mistaken in their belief that they invented this item.
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