The World's Smartest Air Conditioner

Not every home comes equipped with central air conditioning, but during the dog days of summer, it's hard to use a window-mounted A/C without spending a fortune on electricity or being totally uncomfortable. Aros is a novel way to deal with the problem as this air conditioner can link with your wifi and be controlled by your smart phone so you can turn it on before you head home, program it to turn itself off when you leave the house and set it to maximize energy efficiency when the weather changes.

Learn more about the new innovation and where you can get one for yourself over at Homes and Hues: Aros Is A Smart Air Conditioner

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Ever since Dyson re-invented the vacuum cleaner, I have been waiting for other home appliances to get the same treatment. It would be great if GE and/or Quirky does this with others.

While Aros costs 25% more than models with the same BTUs, it is already the #1 best seller at Amazon.
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