Blade Runner Movie Execs Called It "Deadly Dull"

Today, Ridley Scott's Blade Runner is considered a sci-fi classic, but back in 1982 the executives who funded it, Tandem Productions' Jerry Perenchio, Bud Yorkin, and Robin French considered it "deadly dull" and "gets worse every screening."

Via Slashfilm and reddit

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I agree with that. Life it too short to waste on fiction that you don't like.

I made it halfway through The Two Towers before getting too bored with LOTR to continue.

Reading the classics is helpful because it provides a common narrative language for a society. But that's about it. Read what you like.
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Is it mandatory to like it? Because it is classic? Classic?
Big deal.
De gustibus non est disputandum.
Yep... Terry said it all.

Did everybody here read Ulysses by James Joyce?
It's a classic and inaugurated a new era.
I did read it 4 times and have to read more times. This is me.
I hate saying to anybody: "You have to read. You have to read the classics. At least the classics!" and all the variants of this dictatorship.

People have to read for pleasure.
I'm a literature teacher, btw.
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