If Classic Composers Wrote the Super Mario Bros. Theme

The best known music composers of history all had their own styles, but unless you are an avid classical music fan, you might not know those styles all that well because they are all expressed in different songs. We just know the songs. Pianist Nahre Sol knows the particulars of the great composers of the past. She illustrates their differences by playing the same song, The Super Marios Bros. Theme, which we all know well, in the distinctive styles of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Franz Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and George Gershwin. Sol adjusted the song somewhat to fit into each style, but if you listen closely, it's all the same basic tune. You'll need to watch as well as listen, as the tunes are annotated, rather amusingly. I was waiting for Rachmaninoff because you know he had big hands. And she refers to those hands when the time comes! -via Laughing Squid

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