Janet, The World's Most Secretive Airline

Nobody knows what airline company is operating a fleet of Boeing 737-600s which have no logo or name on it, except for a red line running through its side. It's dubbed the most secretive airline in the world, and some have named it Janet. But Janet is not really the name of the airline.

So, why is it called Janet? Apparently, it's an acronym which stands for 'Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation'. And it supposedly transports officers of the United States Air Force to Area 51. Not only that, but rumor has it, it's being housed in a secret terminal, which some have said is located in Las Vegas. 

Currently, Janet is looking for a new operator, and will host different players in the airline industry to acquire bids next month. Apparently, Janet also has its own Wikipedia page, so if you want to know more details about Janet's fleet or area of operations, you may want to go there to check them out.

(Image credit: Eddie Maloney/Wikimedia Commons)

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