60-Year-Old Guy Was Attacked by a Crocodile and Lived to Tell the Tale

When I was a kid, I watched a horror film about crocodiles running loose and attacking civilians. I couldn't really understand how terrifying that actually was, until I grew older and watched some shows that featured how vicious and ravenous crocodiles can be. I also learned from those shows how to fight back when you do find yourself ensnared by the jaws of the hungry reptilian beast.

A 60-something year old cattle producer, Colin Deveraux, must have thought that if he didn't fight back when he fell into the clutches of an adult crocodile, he would surely lose his life, and fought back he did. As he was about to do some fencing near the Finniss River, south of Darwin, Australia, he found himself being grabbed on the foot by a 3.2-meter (10 1/2 feet) saltwater crocodile. Colin struggled and tried to kick the croc in its belly. At the same time, he also tried biting the animal back, literally.

Fortunately, his teeth were able to poke the croc's eye and it let him go. He ran straight for his car, and for a moment, he thought that the croc would give chase and it did for about four meters, but then gave up. He has been receiving treatment at a hospital and might soon be able to walk again.

(Image credit: Thomas Couillard/Unsplash)

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