Jamais Vu, the Counterpart of Deja Vu

The research on deja vu's opposite, jamais vu, recently won an Ig Nobel Prize. It's that feeling when something that you have done routinely before starts becoming unfamiliar. I have certainly experienced deja vu before, but I don't think I have ever felt jamais vu, so I think it goes much deeper into our psyche and it might be even more serious than deja vu which I would often just pass off as a happy surprise or coincidence. I can move from it, but I guess if I were to experience jamais vu, it would be more disconcerting. The only thing I can think of that might be similar would be if someone were to forget how to walk or ride a bike. Ian Sample, of The Guardian, discusses the science behind jamais vu on this podcast with Dr. Akira O'Connor, one of the researchers into jamais vu.

(Image credit: Sander Sammy/Unsplash)

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