Can Those "It's at the Tip of My Tongue" Moments Be Problematic?

You've had those moments I bet, when you're trying to tell a story to a friend or you're trying to make a point in an argument or just sharing a witty anecdote at your family reunion, and you stop halfway through your sentence because you can't seem to remember a particular word and you say that it's at the tip of your tongue. It's a common occurrence and we oftentimes just shrug it off because, as we are often bombarded with too much information every day, it's impossible to have a perfect recall of everything, unless you have an eidetic memory. Greig de Zubicaray, a professor of neuropsychology at Queensland University of Technology, says that it's normal for a human thing, but you should be concerned if this were to happen more frequently and with a broad range of words, name, and numbers. It might be a sign of a neurological disorder.

(Image credit: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash)

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