Stream Your Experiences Hassle-free with the New Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Smartphones were a game-changer, in that they offered users multiple functions in a single device which can be carried wherever. One of the things that have become a part of people's lives with the smartphone is taking pictures and videos of their experiences and sharing them online.

However, one possible limitation of this is that while you're capturing the moment, you won't exactly be able to take part and the scope of what you can capture is also dependent on where you point your phone. That's where the Ray-Ban Meta smartglasses might come in. On Tech Crunch:

Unveiled this morning at Meta Connect in Menlo Park, California, the new sunglasses are capable of livestreaming video to (naturally) Facebook and Instagram.
The systems come in the standard classic Wayfarer design, along with a new Headliner style. They look like standard sunglasses (or eyeglasses, depending on the lens), save for two round modules on the side of either eye. On the right is a 12-megapixel camera that can take stills and record video in 1080p. The other side — that looks more or less identical (for symmetry’s sake) — is actually an LED light that flips on to alert others that you’re recording.

Apart from livestreaming video, there are also plans of including a feature which would allow the wearer to translate text on signs and the like.

(Image credit: cavebear42/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY SA 4.0)

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