The Destination Wedding from Hell

Would you hike for five days into the Guatemalan jungle to the ruins of an ancient Maya pyramid with no facilities in July to watch your friends get married? Melissa Johnson said sure, even though she was ten years older than the other 13 people on the trip. They traveled 60 miles through the lush rainforest and battled high humidity and voracious insects to witness Angela and Suley's nuptials, even though neither of them had any connection with Guatemala. It sounds like a dangerous idea, and it was. Johnson considers herself a brave person, but then she thought about the viruses and parasites transmitted by mosquitos, ticks, and other insects that flourish in Central America. And she was indeed attacked in her sleep, in an episode some might categorize as "too much information." The clandestine wedding was glorious, but then the group decided to take a shortcut back out, without considering how much vegetation had grown over the unused route during the rainy season. It was an adventure you'll be glad you didn't go on, but you can read about it at Outside magazine. -via Nag on the Lake

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