Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Celebrates Lost Cultures on Both Sides of the Atlantic

The world illustrated in the movie Black Panther: Wakanda Forever centers on the fictional nation of Wakanda, which has a Pan-African culture that takes its cues from many parts of the continent. The story, as well as that of the previous movie Black Panther, is a work of Afrofuturism, in which elements of African culture that were destroyed by colonialism are recovered and celebrated. The new movie adds another lost culture to the mix. While the underwater society called Talokan brings to mind the lost city of Atlantis, the particular vision of this culture is derived from Mesoamerica: the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec civilizations of Central America and Mexico before the conquistadors arrived in 1502. Read how Black Panther: Wakanda Forever celebrates lost cultures on both sides of the Atlantic at The Conversation. -via Geeks Are Sexy

The Talokan society and their leader Namor are based on the Marvel Comics character Sub-Mariner of Atlantis, based on Greek mythology. The movie version is changed to Talokan to move away from the colonial implications of the Atlantis legend, and to move Mesoamerican influences in. Read the specific ways Talokan is based on Mesoamerican civilizations at Smithsonian. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is now playing at a theater near you.

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