The Mississippi Town Where Elvis Tribute Artists Are Made

Elvis is everywhere in Tupelo, Mississippi. The town was the birthplace and childhood home of Elvis Presley, and has embraced that designation in a big way. Businesses that were part of his life are protected from destruction because of their history. The town is a tourist destination and a pilgrimage site for Elvis fans. It's also the site of a qualifying event for the the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Competition, with the ultimate winner crowned every August in Memphis. The Tupelo competition is one of many, but it stands out.  

Each June in Tupelo, an average of 15-20 ETAs work their best snarled lips, swiveled hips, and wide range of vocals to channel Mr. Presley, from his early years rocking high-collared jackets and black-and-white striped shirts to the Peacock, Blue Swirl, and American Eagle jumpsuits of the 1970s. While the usual line-up is all-male, women are welcome to compete. The winner is guaranteed advancement to the Ultimate ETA Contest in Memphis, and gets an additional perk: enrollment in Elvis Boot Camp, an intensive two-day training, run by Downtown Tupelo Main Street, that’s specially designed for Tupelo winners. Not only does it prepare them for competing at Graceland but assures that, when they do, these representatives of Elvis’ birthplace shine.

COVID-19 forced organizers to hold the 2020 festival online, but Tupelo plans to welcome back competitors in 2021.

“As far we know, Tupelo is the only pre-qualifier that offers such a service,” Brangenberg says. “Nine of our 12 winners have either gone on to win the Ultimate in Memphis that same year, or a year or two after repping us. We like to think our boot camp helped.”

The system is like the Miss America pageant, in that when a local winner becomes a state winner, the experts and resources of that state work to prepare their winner for the national competition. Tupelo has a reputation to uphold. Read about Tupelo and its commitment to Elvis Tribute Artists at Atlas Obscura.

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